Aha! A trick question, and a very good one.
The "other" elder would win, because at the end of the discussion his mind would be free.
He might leave the room bawling like a little girl, but the death grip that the WT held on his brain before he entered the room would have been broken. That would call for a celebration! Better than winning the lottery without a doubt!
It's true, that in one sense you could say that he "lost" the discussion - but how could you label someone as a loser when he would have gained so much by spending time in that magical room? You would have to call him the "winner" hands down!
The WT and the blind worker drones that serve as elders, cannot defend the indefensible track record of failed prophecies/predictions and the non-sensicle dribble that forms the backbone of WT doctrine. The FDS class has been weighed on the scales of justice and has been found GUILTY. Momentum is building. The jig is almost up. The WT is crumbling from within. Spread the word and save a life.
Peace on earth,
The Oracle.