20 minutes....

by Scully 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sassy-ex-jw


    I'm truly sorry for your loss. I'm sure that your friend that passed away though was probably a meek and loving person and would probably look down on the situation with understanding. That's the sad part of it. Only the true believers in God and not an organization, those that strive to do what is right and are somehow misled by this organization seem to pass us by so quickly. I am a believer that God, or whatever you would like to call the higher power that leads us, would truly read the hearts of those that are sincere in doing what is best no matter what religion or organization they belong to. At least you and all those that truly loved your friend can go to sleep at night with the memory of your friend in your heart. Those that condone this type of act and disregard for human life will be judged when their time comes.

    All the best to you.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Scully,

    I feel bad for what you are going through. We here at JWD discuss feelings and experiences common to us, now that we have exited and are free to speak out. I have two questions:

    1) Do you feel there are faithful JWs who attend the memorials and are likewise disgusted, but, of course, say nothing?

    2) Don't other societies - ethnic, religious, etc. - give much attention to the dearly departed, and over a period of time? I seem to remember occasions of mourning referred to in the OT. A "period of time," NOT TWENTY MINUTES!



  • William Penwell
    William Penwell


    I am so sorry for your loss

    You said the service was about 20 minutes and I would imagine that at least 15 minutes of those minutes were a preach fest.

    I have to say I attended a JW service a few months back and it was about 45 minutes and the fellow giving the service actually talked about the deceased.


  • BizzyBee

    Sorry, Scully ~

    My Grandmother's memorial was the same - an info-mercial. I was shunned, but showed up anyway for whatever was going to be dished out. I sat there listening to the speaker thinking, "You didn't even know her - but I did. And she would have been supremely pissed off to have died without seeing Armageddon and the New World. That was what she was promised and that was what she believed. And she died, just like any Christmas-celebrating, Saturday-morning-sleeping-in, Sunday afternoon-family-dinner-fixing, vacation-taking, non-judgmental, Tuesday-Thursday-evening-TV-relaxing, free-will-enjoying, Happy Birthday individual on the planet.

    It was all for-f*cking what?

    May they both rest in peace.

  • Es

    My heartfelt condolences and a big massive hug for you scully, thats terrible that they did that.

    We are here for you


  • MidwichCuckoo

    Please accept my deepest sympathy. Looking at funerals now (as an ex-Dub), I can see how poor JW funerals really are. There's NOTHING in them for the Society - just the loss of a little income from a departed 'publisher' - so better make the most of it by taking the opportunity of a recruitment drive.

    I will (probably) only ever have to attend ONE more JW funeral, and that grieves me just thinking about how impersonal it will be. JWs (and I was just as guilty) criticise 'Worldly' funerals, as they are often conducted by the clergy who never knew the deceased - but frankly, within JW Congregations, 'knowing' someone for over 20 years, and conducting their funeral, STILL results in less interest than a 'stranger' would show.

  • Cowboy

    My condolences Scully.

    It reminds me of when my grandfather died 18 years ago. There was only a graveside service, to be held at 2 pm. I drove into the cemetary at 1:45, and met the elder who conducted the service on his way out. They said he stepped up at 1:30 and said "Looks like everyone's here, lets go ahead and get started". My mom asked him to wait because neither my brother or I was there yet (he got there just ahead of me) but he just ignored her and went on... I guess he had something more important to do.

  • Gill


    Damned scavengers the WTBTS!

    I remember my Aunt's funeral and she was literally mentioned by name at the beginning, how old she was and when she died, who she was survived by and then the sales pitch began.

    Goodbye, tattybye and clear off!

    Oh! Just a letter from the Society to her which she received a few days before she died saying thanks for the large donation!!!

    I think she was trying to make sure she got her receipt for her entrance into paradise!

  • free2think

    You have my condolences Scully. I'm so sorry. That really sucks.

  • nvrgnbk

    So very sorry for the loss of your friend Scully.

    Talk about chewing you up and spitting you out.




    Life-sucking cult.

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