20 minutes....

by Scully 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mouthy

    I am so sorry Scully....I know how hard it is to lose a loved one. But I have to say sweetie. God ( MY GOD) examines hearts....If YOU loved her, (& we are so limited in our love) God loved her even more than you did....He knows why she stayed in that religion, because she believed it was of GOD!!!!!

    Take heart sweetie, dont fret, remember her .....because I believe ALL things are possible with GOD!!!!
    I wouldnt be surprised at all,that she has now entered that place where the WT said she couldnt go!!!!
    She will now "Make Sure Of All Things" as ordered....but it will be in the LOVING arms of her Creator

    ( I know my love you DONT believe, but at 80 you will allow me to say what I think, cos I know you love me too

  • BFD

    Dear Scully,

    I am so sorry for your loss. I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better.

    It really sucks when something like this hits so close to home. My deepest sympathy.


  • PinTail

    I remember when my daughter died back in October of 2005 no one showed support for us, nor whould they attend her funeral, because she was disfellowshipped. So I completly unnderstand your hurt.

    We should show pictures of our family friends who have passed away here on this forum, and support each other, and show true love for each other.


  • Scully

    So many sad stories.... how anyone can believe that the JWs are the most loving religion just boggles the mind.

    I decided today that I would do a couple of things to honour my friend's memory:

    I had an appointment to donate blood today. So I filled out an "In Honour" card with her name on it. I posted about doing something like this a while back: Are You a Blood Donor? (idea for campaign) I thought about sending the card to her family, but they would not have appreciated the sentiment. Maybe I'll send it, anonymously of course, to the WTS.

    I also decided to plant another rosebush in my memory garden in her honour. I'll go to the garden center on Sunday and pick one that would have suited her personality.

  • Scully

    Here's what I wrote inside the card that will be going to the WTS:

    spent decades as a "teacher of God's word, the bible". Your organization should be ASHAMED of the paltry excuse of a "memorial" that was held in her behalf.

    To use someone and spit them out like lukewarm water when they are no longer useful to you is neither loving nor Christian.

    This is a reproach on God's name if there ever was one.

  • Honesty

    My father-in-law got less than 20 minutes.

    Most of it was devoted to how "you too can be in Paradise" and he got about 3 minutes of how devoted he was to the FDS.

    Poor guy spent almost 7 years in a labor camp in Communist-occupied Hungary for spreading the Watchtower's False gospel of hate and destruction and all he got was 3 minutes from the thieves.

  • Scully

    My father-in-law got less than 20 minutes.

    Most of it was devoted to how "you too can be in Paradise" and he got about 3 minutes of how devoted he was to the FDS.

    I'm sure that's how it was for my friend too. My source informed me that the entire Memorial Serviceā„¢ - including the song at the end - took only 20 minutes. It makes me sick that they believe this was acceptable.

  • Honesty

    The sad part of it all is that the JW's are so deceived that they really believe this is how Jehovah wants the memorial services for the dead to be administered.

  • done4good

    My condolences, Scully.

    I had to BEG the BOE to have a memorial service for my df'd mother when mom and dad were killed in a car accident 11 years ago. The whole thing for the TWO of them didn't last more than 20 minutes, and NOTHING, (other than survivors, and the like), about them as people was discussed whatsoever. My non-jw relatives are still pissed over this. Real good "witness" Wacktower!!!


  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    I am active on paper as a witness. I begged my wife to have a private ceremony. No witnesses, just family. Burn me or place me in the ground, just no KH recruitment talk. I hate JW funerals. They are the worst.

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