I know that the WT Bible & Tract Society is a corporation with a board of directors, but who actually owns the corp.?
Who owns the Society?
by return visitor 27 Replies latest jw friends
Nobody knows for sure who owns and directs it most likely the real owners are not known. There are the shareholders of the corporation. Their yearly accounts are very secretive and nobody really knows how much profit they make and who takes it.
Good question. I look forward to seeing the answers on this one.
This is a very good question, since there are many corporations operating under the WT umbrella, on a global scale.
Who knows who pulls the strings of the Governing Body marionettes? Or where and to whom the money really goes and for what purpose?
It will take a federal investigation to untangle the vast web of phoney corporations they have created to evade "man's" law.
~Sue -
Wait...so the GB isn't even in charge?! I had thought the GB were in charge, both the providers of "new light" and CEOs all in one.
The WTS is a non-profit corporation and is owned by no individual. Each congregation is a separate non-profit corporation which reverts back to the WTS when it is dissolved or disbanded. The officers in this case are 3 elders selected from the congregation that holds the territory the land the KH building is located on.
If your business is being formed for purposes other than generating a profit and if no part of your organization's income will be distributed to your directors or officers, you may wish to form a nonprofit corporation. Nonprofit corporations are subject to state law and are often formed under the Revised Model Nonprofit Corporation Act (1986). Some examples of nonprofit corporations are churches, schools, charities, medical providers, legal aid societies, volunteer service organizations, professional associations, research institutes, museums, and (in some instances) sports associations.
When researching this, start with the concept of "ownership" "non-profit corporation."
SATAN, the father of the lie that is the "trooff." JK
The Illuminati own everything. The WTS is just anothing peice of the New World Order puzzle.
I tried to do some research on this, lots of dead ends and stuff that lead to RandCam information so far. One thing I found that might interest some people is a letter from 1917, from A.N. Pierson and J.D Wright to the bible students; basically calling Rutherford a usurper, and informing the bible students of the shakeup at headquarters after Russell's death. Maybe you guys have seen it, and it's all old hat to you, dunno. Here's the link, check it out: http://www.biblestudents.net/history/light_after_darkness.htm
Thanks AATWatchtower...couldn't make it the whole way down, but enlightening nonetheless...