Friendly talk with a couple of elders

by TooBad TooSad 88 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mysterious

    My mother always said she was happy for all those wayward youths that left and then came back but sad that one day a group that leaves will not have the time to return to the organization before the end comes. Being from a small town there are those clear examples from each generation of those that left and returned and everyone else has fled the scene and not returned or been thought of by those left behind.

  • 95stormfront
    The Witnesses teach that Jesus created everything except himself. That means Jesus created Adam AND EVE. Jesus said he didn't know when the end would come. IF it was tied to the date of the creation of EVE, Jesus would know when that was.

    Damn......Now that is good.

  • GetBusyLiving

    :My mother always said she was happy for all those wayward youths that left and then came back but sad that one day a group that leaves will not have the time to return to the organization before the end comes.

    That is some messed ass logic if I ever heard it. What sort of a loving creator would destroy his creation based on a time-line? How is it fair that group A gets to leave and have as much fun as they can then come back and get saved, while group B leaves at a later time and because Jewhorevah decides its time for the end they all get lightning bolted? Scary that these people walk among us.


  • jschwehm
    The Witnesses teach that Jesus created everything except himself.

    Hi Gary:

    Actually............The JWs own Bible says that Jesus created himself.

    The New World Translation says the following:

    1 In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god. 2 This one was in [the] beginning with God. 3 All things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence. - John 1:1-3

    If we believe that the Word is Jesus, note that verse three of John 1 says that "apart from him [Jesus or the Word] not even one thing came into existence." This means that if Jesus is a created being who at one point did not exist then Jesus had to take part in his own creation since not even one thing came into existence apart from him. I have shared this with a few JWs and they are usually speechless afterwards and they do not know how to answer me.

    Jeff S.

  • anewme

    That was a good point about the JWs being a "survival group". They live for Armageddon and surviving it.
    Thats what its all about for them. Every week its "Armageddon is coming!" "Prepare The Way!"
    "Will You Survive?"

    How can they possibly be happy people focusing on destruction 24/7?


  • garybuss

    Hi Sir82,

    You wrote: Ha ha, Gary, you're not keeping up with Jehovah's gallooping chariot!

    The official answer to your challenge is something like this: "Well sure, Jesus didn't know, at the time he spoke those words, when Armageddon would come. But since he's become king in 1914, Jehovah has let him in on the secret. Now he knows."

    Sir82, If Jesus didn't know when the end was coming when he spoke the words about not knowing, then he didn't know when he spoke the following either:

    (Matthew 24:13-14) ...But he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. 14 And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.

    In one scripture he says he doesn't know, and in another he says he knows. Which is it? It can't be both ways.

    Hi Jeff, I was looking at some of my old Jes Wit list print outs this week and I read some of your posts from 10 years + ago. Great point. You've always been sharper'n a new razor.

  • anewme

    Oh we had a sister who was having a breakdown of sorts and she went to the elders about her inability to read the Watchtower and Awake magazines because they contain so many end of times discussions and sad news of a dying world and articles about personal problems and death.

    Their advice?

    Oh just read the last paragraph of every article! It always ends on a happy note with everything turning out alright in the Paradise!

  • TD
    The official answer to your challenge is something like this: "Well sure, Jesus didn't know, at the time he spoke those words, when Armageddon would come. But since he's become king in 1914, Jehovah has let him in on the secret. Now he knows."

    If I understand Gary's argument correctly, it anticipates and scuttles this counter-argument.

    If we assume just for fun that the JW notion about the timing of the millenium is correct. (i.e. The final thousand years of God's 7000 year long Sabbath "Day" and the millenium exactly coincide with each other) then Jehovah would not have had to tell Jesus the date for the end; he could have worked it out for himself since he would have known to the minute when God's 7000 year Sabbath began. (i.e. When Eve was created) .

    The JW's have never officially abandoned this idea (Although they haven't talked about it in awhile) and many older JW's still believe it.

  • flipper

    Too Bad, Too Sad- Mr. Flipper here.My mom and dad came into the organization in 1951, dad's been an elder since 1953 and they are early 80's. I left the org. 4 years ago, and whenever my wife and I visit if we ever bring up a news story it's sure a lead in for my dad to say "well you know the end's getting closer". I feel so sorry that my parents are duped in that too, they've given most of their adult life to this org. But I'm trying to shed some "new light " of my own to them about the molestation coverups, and it's having good results in my mom giving a listening ear. So we'll see what happens, ya never know. But I'm afraid if my dad has a epitaph on his tombstone when he dies it will be, " the End was Near". Crazy, isn't it, this nuts organization?? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • done4good

    That is some messed ass logic if I ever heard it. What sort of a loving creator would destroy his creation based on a time-line? How is it fair that group A gets to leave and have as much fun as they can then come back and get saved, while group B leaves at a later time and because Jewhorevah decides its time for the end they all get lightning bolted? Scary that these people walk among us.


    I remember even as a kid asking the same question. I don't know how I managed to stay in for 20 years after that.


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