I never got the chance to live, experience life and form good memories to reflect upon and laugh at later. My childhood sucked. I spent it locked up inside my house playing Nintendo because my parents wouldn't let me associate with any "worldly" kids, and I never wanted to hang out with JW kids. I cherish the few memories I have of playing at my best friend's house when I was in junior high. My mom caved in a few times and let me go over, but it was very infrequently that she did.
I never got the chance to go to hang out with friends in high school, go out on dates, play in team sports or go to prom. Instead, I was a loner who spent any free time in the library in order to avoid "worldly association."
I wish I didn’t have overbearing parents so that I could have gotten physical with that girl that wanted to jump my bones in junior high. I wish I had listened to that really hot girl that wanted to jump my bones when I was 19. Or that other really hot waitress that wanted to jump my bones when I was 21. I wish I had more relationships under my belt. Instead, I’m in my late 20s and I have no idea how to approach women. I can't use the ol’ "what congregation do you go to" line to break the ice. I'm something of a retard when it comes to the dating scene.
The past is the past. The only thing I can hope for now is to make some memories from now on and hope I have something interesting to tell my kids if and when I have any.