That's what a witch at a pagan shop told me.
Most X-JW's turn to paganism
by White Dove 19 Replies latest jw experiences
i wouldnt say " most". that's a generalization that probably isn't accurate
many find that they are free to explore many different ideas without fear once they leave. paganism is just one of many.
Well Yeah.
Some of us even turned to the pagan churches of Christendom knowing in advance that the Watchtower's gawd is going to destroy them and us.
White Dove
I think I said that wrong. I remember she said something about there being so many JW's coming into the Wiccan/pagan faith/path in our area, at least. Really, I feel personally that the JW experience ruined religion for me and maybe others. I have a hard time believing in the Bible and it's spirit world.
I know exactly what you mean, White Dove. I know the dubs are nothing but a load of shite, but at the same time the years of programming that all other religion is false makes it impossible for me to trust other churches or religions. I find that the only thing that even remotely appeals to me is something much more nature based. I asked a Southern Baptist that came and spoke to my religions class what he thought about people who searched and honestly desired finding God but never could and was told they were too proud to ask for God to find them. So yeah, I'm kinda on the whole "pagan is good" soapbox.
I think that "most" is a VAST overstatement. On this board we pagans are few and often ridiculed.
I wouldn't say that generally speaking "most" xJWs "turn to paganism".
I might agree that our newfound freedom to explore other belief systems and deconstruct previously indoctrinated phobias about paganism allows us to look at paganism from a different perspective.
While I was certainly curious about pagan practices and I did what I felt was an adequate job of researching paganism, in the end I decided it was not for me. I certainly didn't "turn to it", even though I looked into it.
Ex-JW's have the exquisite examine others beliefs without fear that "God will smite 'em..."
I can see how a 'belief system' based on nature might be more attractive, after shedding yourself of a highly controlling religious cult. I looked into it and found it refreshing comparatively. Eventually, tho' I saw that I would still would have to believe in 'invisible mystical powers' of some kind and it became...boring. Everyone still needs to 'follow' somebody else's understandings...and they sometimes have fights over what's considered "pure" Wicca, pagan, etc.
*I* don't have time for that in my life anymore.
Having said that...most pagans, wiccans, etc. (that I've met) seem to be really open-minded, non-judgmental and kind folks.
Rabbit (Founder & President of Rabbitism International)
I'm one. And if you knew your history you'd know that Christianity IS a pagan religion. There is literally NOTHING original in the Christ/Chrishna story that wasn't taken from pagan tribal religions. Myths of the Bible and their parallels in other religions by TW Doane.
Actually we mainly turn to JWDism.