Most X-JW's turn to paganism

by White Dove 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • itsallgoodnow

    huh. that's funny. I don't think it's necessarily true. some might want that, though. Hey, if it makes sense to them and makes them happy, then it's fine with me.

    The tedious rituals, though. If I had gone that route, I could see myself being such a lapsed pagan. I would be like, "oh, it's the full moon ritual tonight, I guess I need the red candle this time. Ah forget it. I don't have time to stop for a red candle."

  • Abaddon

    She meant to say 'chocolate'.

    Although shit loads smoke pot... which as is commonly held to be true, leads to more chocolate.

    Life is hard.

  • Quartr

    I'm an ex-jw, by birth and not by choice (I would have never chosen to be part of it), and im not into paganism. I simply hate religion, as a whole. I don't really pin that hatred on any ONE religion, I just simply hate religion. Religion has ruined some of the best parts of my life, the only one life I know I have, and I simply won't let it ruin anything else. I refuse to have anything to do with ANY religion, ever again in my life. Religion does NOT help society, it does NOT help the world. It only encourages segregation and is a plague that fights AGAINST the unity of the human race. SORRY JW'S, THE ENTIRE WORLD BEING JW'S IS NOT UNITY...ITS GENOCIDE. If god is indeed loving, and indeed wants us all to think for himself, he wouldn't want the entire world to be forced into being JW's.

  • brinjen
    While I was certainly curious about pagan practices and I did what I felt was an adequate job of researching paganism, in the end I decided it was not for me. I certainly didn't "turn to it", even though I looked into it.

    Like Scully, I also looked into paganism. I very quickly decided it wasn't for me and never bothered with it again. I think most would do the same, just curiosity, very different from 'turning' to it.

  • B_Deserter

    I think most JWs turn to atheist/agnosticism like I did. We spend our entire lives learning about how other religions are wrong that when we're disillusioned with the Witnesses we become disillusioned with the Bible and religion as well. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that being in the Witnesses wore a lot of us down so much that we just don't want to bother with another religion. Personally, if I hadn't realized just how ridiculous the Bible is, I'd probably look into Gnosticism. Since I was a child, I always had a sneaking suspicion that the God of the Old Testament was the Devil of the New Testament. For being supposedly just like his father, Jesus is a 180-degree personality flip of the vengeful, misogynistic, infanticidal, genocidal, racist, bloodthirsty murderer God of the OT.

  • willyloman

    I think many dubs become members of a "Radical Protestant Sect of One" as discussed in another threat. They believe what they believe, they don't feel they need to defend it, and they don't take offense at what others believe, content to be tolerant of others' right to freedom of choice in religious matters.

  • nvrgnbk

    If by paganism you mean believing in the world that exists around you, yes.

    That's all the original pagans did. They were confused and sometimes offended by the cold and harsh deity presented by the Judeo-Christian belief system.


    All the Pagon Ex-Jws must have moved to one spot on the planet..I have`nt met any.....I heard a nasty rumour about Jehovah`s Witness`s though..Everyone of them has Rutherfords Curse!..He died of rectal cancer,after changing the religions name to "Jehovah`s Witness`s"..Since then every Jehovah`s Witness has died with a hole in thier bum!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • dawg

    I'm a pagan, yet find solice in words from many inspirations... Including Jesus. I look for what I percieve as truth, and Jesus was right when he said the truth will set you free. Jesus was the ultimate pragamtist; he was just a little off mentally at times... I mean, he was pretty bold to say that he was the way to eternal life and to beleive that no one could approach the father sans going through him. Sure leaves a lot of people that see things differently little options.

    If the best God could do is give us a book as unbelieveable as the Bible as a guide then punish us for not beleiveing it as anything other than a metaphor then he's one psycotic father. Talking snakes, two of every kind on a boat? Come on, there's 9 species of rattle snake in North America alone that exist only here on this continent. What, did those rattlers swim across the Atlantic without leaving any offspring anywhere else in the world? Then to say that the death of one man is some kind of cure all for all human death yet human suffering continues.. that alone makes me know a metaphor when i see it. Jesus hasn't done anything we all aren't destined to do, so I don't think his action was all that special.

    Obviously God either doesn't exist, is a bastard, or could care less to allow his children suffer the ills we suffer here and do absolutly nothing. Look at birth defects, why wouldn't a creator at the bare minimum give us all health?

    I think we are all part of the eternel energy, we are part of the eternal ourselves. Therfore we must do what is necessary to make this life as good as possible... The life you're living now is YOUR eternity; make it as good as possible for you and all those who surround you... that's the best you can do. So since I'm part of nature as are all of you, I believe we all are a reflection of that energy and owe it to each other to act in ways that will capitulate changes for the better.

  • Frank75

    I'm a pagan because I have a Christmas tree every year......and send my JW a mothers day card........

    As a JW I was a pagan because I wear a pagan wedding ring, and at my wedding ate cake and had other pagan traditions.

    I agree with NVR that the only problem with pagans is we are part of the world around us.

    I also agree with the post above that all religion is bad. The evidence of that truth more than speaks for itself.


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