Is Atheism the Path to True Spirituality?

by nvrgnbk 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    Back up a minute; I see a capitalised 'true'.

    Semantically, that implies specificty unless one allows each person to have an individual spirituality to which they could be true to.

    I'm pretty sure most on this thread thus far accept the latter to be true.

    But if it is something that can be so individual, that implies it is an internalised paradigm, as distinct from an embracing of anything external.

    That doesn't mean it is without value; if it improves ones life, obviously it has value. But the only contest is with ourselves.

    Soooo is that a yes or a no???

    I didn't even notice the true in that sentence. Shows how observant I am.

  • itsallgoodnow

    I don't know.

    I figure I'd be better off getting to know and understand myself instead of working on my spirituality, whatever that is supposed to be. I feel more at peace not thinking about religion or atheism. God, and do I believe in him or not believe in him... I have wasted enough of my life on that.

  • poppers

    I would say that you are in a good place, itsallgoodnow. Finding out who/what you really are first trumps blindly searching any path of spirituality or religious belief. You have your priorities in order, which makes finding fulfillment and peace more likely.

  • gymbob

    Good question....but first, try and define "spirituality". As a realist, I don't believe there is such a thing. Gymbob

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I started to think of beliefs as portions of fences. The more absolute beliefs you insist upon, the more your view of what is around you is obstructed. You have to let down some of those portions of fences to discover what is present around you.

    I can't say I stand with no obstructions yet, but it has changed my mind dramatically on the necessity of surrounding myself with cushions of beliefs that hinder my view.

    Thinking earlier about where I actually exist? In my mind, in my body, through my emotions? Nope. Still pondering.

  • Abaddon


    Well, if there is no 'true spirituality' other than an indivdual's conception of it, then for some atheism might light on the path to it. Others not.

    Basically, I'm not buying the cow. I'm not even accepting there is a cow, but if standing there holding string you (not you personally Xena) say has a cow on the end of it makes you happy, can I give Buttercup a sugar lump?

    On the other hand, I have a cow, and she comes in many colours (ask Ross).

    If there is a 'greater' true spirituality, then what issue of Nature was that in?

    Just like gymbob, I think variable defintions of spirtuality defy a concise answer to the question, and non-concise answers end up questioning if there is a question in the first place.

    Oh, personally speaking (i.e. my definitons) for me it did, if you want a straight answer.

  • nvrgnbk

    Thanks to all for added clarity in the unending quest for awareness of reality.

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    I really am beginning to feel it's all WAY more simple than we're giving life credit for........ I don't think spirituality exists.......just people, and their self awareness.which they tend to ascribe to spirituality. I've become a huge proponent of "it is what it with it." Agnosticism has opened my eyes. To me .Atheism is just another relig........not worth my short time here on earth.

  • eclipse

    What is ''true Spirituality'' ?

    Is that when you know your true nature?

    When you have a connection with the spirit realm? (If there exists one)

    There is no reality, only perception, right?

    So how do we know when our perception is accurate...we only have our 5 senses, and our limited brain use to tell us what our world is like.

    If we used 100% of our brain...maybe then we would acheive the state of mind that lets us see reality for what it actually is, and not for what we perceive it to be.

    just my two cents.

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    Eclipse.........that's at least a nickels worth. nice.

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