Is Atheism the Path to True Spirituality?
by nvrgnbk 23 Replies latest jw friends
If we are to clearly see what is Real, it is advisable to let go of everything, even atheism.
Generally atheist is what we come to identify "self" with after we let go of our god; but what really matters is that we let go of all identifying concepts of "self", that what remains may be realized. So, perhaps atheism is a step, but could just as easily not be. IMO
Great post as always James.
An author by the name of Stephen Batchelor has helped me understand this concept clearly. He is writing from a 'Buddhist' perspective, but don't let that fool you. His writing is not bound to any extrinsic religious dogma.
I'm with JamesThomas on this, it could be a step and then again not. "Atheism" is a viewpoint just as a believer has a viewpoint. When all viewpoints are discarded the possibility for something greater presents itself. To find that which is greater find where viewpoints arise and fade again - that space between them has no viewpoints and That is where peace exists, where You exist as you ACTUALLY are - there is nothing more "spiritual" than that.
Is Atheism the Path to True Spirituality?
no. it is on the path, but certainly not *the* path.
it's like james said, you don't want to identify yourself with a label. or, in other words, let a label become you (who you think you are).
and like i have said often enough, everyone is an atheist. this is not a defiant flame bait for theists. only a simple fact. if there is a god in the history of the human species that you do *not* believe in, then you are an atheist. simple. i am an atheist to YHVH, for example. but i prefer not to only define myself by what i have rejected, or now lack belief in. if you must define yourself, define yourself as you (what you embrace).
once that little speed bump is passed, we are free to turn inward for divinity.
“There's no reality except the one contained within us. That's why so many people live an unreal life. They take images outside them for reality and never allow the world within them to assert itself.”
- Herman Hesse
Atheism doesnt work for me, logically and mathematically and scientifically. I am not looking to argue with the atheist, because we see what we want to see, and I guess that includes me. For my money we were put here by people or beings from space, history, the bible and science support this stance. As well as the stance that we evolved and the stance that God created us. So for my money I'm going with the God is a spaceman theory. Heres a link to investigate.
"Atheism" is a viewpoint just as a believer has a viewpoint. When all viewpoints are discarded the possibility for something greater presents itself. To find that which is greater find where viewpoints arise and fade again - that space between them has no viewpoints and That is where peace exists, where You exist as you ACTUALLY are - there is nothing more "spiritual" than that.
Very nicely expressed, poppers. You bring a rare clarity to what is blurry.
I agree that it isn't the path but could be a path. IMO it would imply a stripping away completely of man made misconceptions about spirituality leaving you free to open your mind to new ideas.
Well one would hope anyway.
Back up a minute; I see a capitalised 'true'.
Semantically, that implies specificty unless one allows each person to have an individual spirituality to which they could be true to.
I'm pretty sure most on this thread thus far accept the latter to be true.
But if it is something that can be so individual, that implies it is an internalised paradigm, as distinct from an embracing of anything external.
That doesn't mean it is without value; if it improves ones life, obviously it has value. But the only contest is with ourselves.
I think it is one important milestone on some, certainly not all, "paths" -- of rather than to spirituality, btw, because if there is such thing as "spirituality" (and I am not fond of that word) every human path is a "spiritual" one imo.
One "place" that you can reach from many ways, too. For instance, by realising the cultural artificiality (pleonasm intended) of the concept of "God" and its inadequacy to express what it is supposed to express, then breaking it like the ultimate "idol"; or, without ever questioning the concept per se, by noticing its overwhelming negativity -- that only negative descriptions of what "God" is not seem to suit "it" -- much like "chance" as a matter of fact. Then you may keep the word and enjoy its sound even better for knowing its emptiness.