Fore me it's not just one. It was #3 & #4.
by sleepy 28 Replies latest jw friends
Fore me it's not just one. It was #3 & #4.
For me, it was #5:
My Lord, THE Truth (John 14:6), personally told me and showed me that the 'truth'... was NOT the truth.
Sorry, but that's the truth.
Peace to you all!
A slave of Christ,
I would have to say # 3 for me.
There is just too much evidence that the WTS is NOT Gods
chosen org.
Ok, 3 is about the closest. I'm just sorry it took me so long to find out! I wanted to do the "right" thing. I discovered contradictions in the JW teachings (1914). Then I found out that there is no "right" thing. I am much happier now than I ever was as a JW.
Tim B
That's a 3, like me - there aint no mountain of evidence as big as our Lord.
That was exactly the reason I then went onto sites like this.
The evidence just keeps accumulating.
I haven't actually left at this point. I am inactive. I still have the "feeling" that JWs still have as close to the "truth" as I can find. I still have an uneasy feeling that I am being careless by not being a good JW. I started questioning things after many bizarre experiences with Elders who are supposed to be a "Hiding place" yeah, right. I think alot of people who have left the JWs probably started out having troubles of some kind with someone or committed some sort of wrong and did not like the treatment they recieved as a result. Then you start questiong everything for the first time. At least that has been my experience.
Being a true Christian is supposed to be about love and kindness toward others. But yet Jws whole life is going out in service to find potential believers. But, all the while alot of their own are not being taken care of. I have seen people who treat others in the cong. like Crap but yet they go out in service. My own parents who are JWs, father is an Elder, they do not even hardly give me the time of day, dad does not even hardly speak a word to me, because I am inactive. They have encouraged other family members to not associate to much with me because I am inactive, as it would not "look good". Yet, these " loving " people go out in service. They can't even show true love to their own daughter, using the scripture saying that " anyone who loves father or daughter or son more than the me is not with me" , something like that, I have read it. Really ridiculous I think. Like assoctating with me will be compromising their beliefs.
Just a small tidbit of what has happened to me anyway. It's like true love is so far removed anymore from JWs. Self-righteousness and judging others permeates the whole thing. That is what it is all about. Not who you REALLY are, but how you LOOK. Put in high service hours, your in like flint and deemed " spiritually strong ". Attend alot of meetings and well, you must be OK. Nevermind the fact that you could be a complete idiot. Service and meetings are the Spiritual gage. Not by being a true person of heart.
That is what is starting to stick in my craw. My husband and I are clean living, moral honest people. Everyone loves my husband in the community, he has lived here all his life and is well liked by so many. But yet by Jw standards, we are not even worthy of being invited to a party or a bridal shower or even dinner at a fellow JWs home. No one from the cong. has much to do with us. Really sad way to live I think. Friends that I thought were friends, are no longer. And we are good standing with the cong. too. It just all gets to be too much for me to handle at times. How can you judge people in such a shallow way?? There are a few in our cong. right now that are nothing but trouble makers. Been in trouble continually. When there are invitations handed out to some sort of gathering, guess who will get invited?? Not me, but them, just BECAUSE THEY GO TO MEETINGS!
Thanks for allowing me to vent this.
I would say a cobo of 2 & 3.
didn't like it much, but would have kept doing it if I felt it was really the truth.
No 2 started it No1 finished it,
number 4 I felt i wasn't able to do enough and was sinking into deep depression. Then ray franz's book was laid on me. That was it.
Okay so that is my suggestion for a fourth reason for leaving.
I'd like to amplify this by suggesting that being "weighed down" can result in two different kinds of breakdown:
1) exhaustion, as Steven describes, and
2) corruption, as I experienced. To put it bluntly, I finally realized that the more obedient I became, the nastier and more hypocritical I got.
Gently Feral