The Governing Body and the people who write the WT literature are idiots!!!
The biggest idiots however are the people who continue to follow them!
I think IDIOT may well be my word of the day at this rate!!!
by B_Deserter 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Governing Body and the people who write the WT literature are idiots!!!
The biggest idiots however are the people who continue to follow them!
I think IDIOT may well be my word of the day at this rate!!!
I brought this up to my dad he said it had nothing to do with me because I was not borne in that time, I was like "what!!" It's relevant because I was lie too. I was raised in the JW believing that they never suggested a date, that is was the individuals who speculated. They lied and tried to cover it up. My dad ten said "Good I'm glad they lied, I'm still going to follow Jehovah" I could not believe what I was hearing, all well, what are you going to do wen somebody reasons this way?
I was also there. This was a study article and we spent two weeks going through chronology to show that 1975 marked the end of 6,000 years of man's existence. Yes, everyone was excited and the KH brimmed with new people. I personally know of some who sold their homes and property in anticipation of Armageddon.
After 1975 came and went, most of the witnesses became infected with a disease called "collective amnesia." My brother later commented that the Society just suggested the date one time, and the news media picked up on it and blew everything out of proportion. Damn that news media!
I remember that article too. It's BS to claim the society didn't predict Armageddon in 1975. They most certainly did - from every podium. I remember how excited everyone was about 1975, and scared, and really really certain it would happen as the society said. We went over and over the chronology. It's very disingenuous for them to claim it didn't happen.
WOW! Once again their own words hang them.
I remember the long conversations my extended JW family used to have on what they would have to prepare for when Armageddon struck, probably around September to October time in 1975. I remember the run up to 1975 even as a child and the Society were definitely encourage JWs from the platform to prepare for imminent Great Tribulation and Armageddon..
I remember my family discussing heatedly how the Society were then saying after 1975 had come and gone, that it was the fault of the publishers 'expecting things that we never said' ! Well! I remember what they were saying. I also remember the amnesia that set in with my family and self. In the end, JWs are just to busy or even to lazy to switch on that thinking machine, 'the brain' and work out they've been conned!!!!
To me, the worst part was the combination of the false urgency of the 1975 along with the FEAR that we JW's would all soon come under vicious attack from this world's governments and end up in prison, or running for our lives. I was about 10 years old in 1971 and felt this awful fear, along with the idea that my schoolmates would be the ones joining in personally persecuting me and turning me in for being a JW.
All this anxiety and fear - for what? Thanks a lot, Watchtower Society. And don't lie about it -- you DID strike fear in the hearts of many young people (and older ones too) with your incessant prophesying about 1975, the end being near -- and even after 1975 you kept insisting "the end is still near".
Even if I say "where is this promised presence of his" to you (in "fulfillment" of Bible prophecy that in the end times there would be ridiculers, etc. etc.) , the end still isn't near, you liars at the WT headquarters.
False expectations or false prophecy? You decide.
"However, the prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word that I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die....when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. With presumptousness the prophet spoke it. You must not get frightened at him"
I find it funny how ones implement this into their talks now. Even though the 1975 issue is rarely mentioned anymore when they do mention it they make it seem as if a renegade group of JWs came up with the 1975 date when it was in fact the WT leaders themselves.
I remember it well, also. My oldest child was born in 1973 and I remember the person who "studied the Bible" with me telling me that my daughter would probably turn 2 in the New System. I never believed a word of it, and had I known about all the prophesying leading up to 1975, I would have run like the wind.