Did Anybody Here Ever Want To Go To Heaven?

by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    Briefly based on litterature or movies I have read. I didnt dwell on it. Today the thought of going to heaven is only one of many possibilities that I consider from time to time.

    Now if heaven is synonymous with paradise...

  • lonelysheep

    I feel the same as you, Ken.

    IMHO, I feel Heaven/Hell/God is all an insult to science, specifically medicine.

  • minimus

    Yeah....if heaven's so wonderful, why make such a big deal about living forever on the earth/?

  • delilah

    It never appealed to me either. Even as a witness, I'd think about those of the remnant, and a sister I knew who was one, and wonder how they could be so happy to be going to heaven, when they were leaving behind their mates and/or children, and never see them again, in the "new system".

    It didn't sound fun to me.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    As a witness, I did not want to go to heaven.

    I wanted an earthly paradise: shack on the beach, books, internet, swimming in the sea, good food, excellent wiskey, and a LOT of "forever" hot sex....aaaahhhhh.....after all, it is what Jehovah promised is it not?

    Now, I have surrendered to the reality of the Kingdom as it will be and hope for a part in it: with all I know going in ahead of me. What will it be like? Do not know. Where? Ditto. How? Same.

    Will it be better than what I hoped for as a JW? So much more...can not even imagine....


  • bigdreaux

    is heaven different for everyone? i mean, siting on a cloud, slaving away isn't my idea of heaven.

    my heaven would be topless big breasted women serving me hot wings drenched in blue cheese and cold beer.

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    When my family stopped going to the Baptist church to become dubs, I lost the desire to go to heaven. They made a paradise earth seem so perfect. Of course, I was only 10 years old. Now that I'm out, I hope I do go to heaven. I've spent too many years wondering what happened to all the brothers and sisters that died while I was in the Borg. Did they just lay in the casket and rot? So I hope there is a better place.

  • minimus

    Everyone but JW believe in heaven. I think the Jews do too.

  • anewme

    No and I still dont!

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Did I ever want to go to Heaven? Not the "heaven" most people think about. I think there is more after this life, what it is I don't know, and right now it's not a concern for me. I'm in no rush to discover it.


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