below is an excerpt from the above link, discussion between 2 JW' of whom is a heartless PSYCHOPATH : grissom6471.
grissom6471 -
I called them cry-babys and so-called victims because the fact is that, your quoting of the Watchtower is for those who follow it. There are many who have been molested even by Witnesses who do not turn apostate and who do not sue anyone. Those are not crybabys. Those are not so-called victims. Those are ones who tears Jehovah has collected in the skin bottle and because of their faithfulness he has changed them from victims to conquerers.
So Alpha and others, don't fall into the trap of mixing in apostates who have been molested and that they turn away from real assistance, with ones who are to get our sympathies and fellow feelings.
I have no sympathy for anyone who sues a congregation or the Watchtower Society no matter what happened to them. Their actions insult all of those who remain faithful and endured such tribulation.
[edit] [delete] Posted at 19:04 - 12/06/2007
dttp -
Grissom, you just may be the reason the WTS is paranoid about individual JWs defending the faith publicly.Maybe they have reason to be paranoid! Not only do you not present your views with sugar, your views themselves seem dangerous, and they regardless of the sugarcoating or not, are not in line with how most Jws feel, nor how the Governing Body themselves feel. They seem harsh and cold, why don't you ponder that for a minute.
I am not judging you or anything, but rather just tossing that idea your way for your own consideration.
This message was last edited at 22:56 - 12/06/2007
[edit] [delete] Posted at 22:54 - 12/06/2007
grissom6471 -
You are saying that it is a sign of goodness and righteousness to hold grudges for years and to sue the congregation and the Society?
You also need to consider that what the Society says is put in a very politically correct fashion. You have to remember that the Society, like early Christians, have to be politically correct about matters so as to not get the attention and ire of governments and people.
The fact is that there is absolutely no reason for anyone who has every been hurt by Jehovah's Witnesses or anyone in any position in any religion to be holding such a grudge and suing them.
People get over things. We all have been molested or abused in some manner or another in our lives. People, let it go and move on with their life. There are far more numerous examples of Witnesses staying faithful and overcoming badness than there is of those who have had bad times. In the Napa case, they were children in the 70s. I was a child in the 70s, I don't remember anything that happened in the 70s.
Let me add, why do we care what the WTS is paranoid about or what the governing body thinks on matters? This is not a congregational issue. They are only involved with congregational matters.
And how many Witnesses participated in the Nazi war crime tribunals? Or did they just put that behind them and let the nations do what they may?
This message was last edited at 09:51 - 13/06/2007
[edit] [delete] Posted at 09:17 - 13/06/2007
dttp -
Regardless if they forge a baseless suit against someone not responsible fort their victimhood does not change the fact they are "victims", calling them "so-called" victims is cold.
Still, victims because of the abuse they underwent can be excused for doing irrational things. The crack about the WT only making PC comments to appease the goverment or the public is inconsistent with the facts. Good Lord Man.
This message was last edited at 10:15 - 13/06/2007
[edit] [delete] Posted at 10:09 - 13/06/2007
grissom6471 -
If those who had been abused had just done what Witnesses were supposed to do, everything would have been just fine. But they chose the course of following satan and rebelling thus making themselves enemies of God. I called them so-called victims because they have made themselves enemies of God and thus we can't empathize with them. We can't say "I feel your pain", when they returned to the vomit.
Well, the Society has said and printed many politically correct things just to appease the government, such as that Christians should pay taxes and obey laws and then basing it on Romans 13. When the fact was that Paul said that just to be politically correct so that he could never be accused of telling others not to obey the laws and pay taxes as Jesus was accused of that. Jesus paid taxes simply so as to not stumble others. With those articles the Society could not be accused of telling others not to pay taxes or obey laws because they have many articles saying that people should.