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Get Your 2007 DC "Follow the Christ" Badge Here
by V 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wordly Andre
2008 DC they are going to tattoo a number on your arm
Thanks V for providing this!
drew sagan
oh yeah!
2008 DC they are going to tattoo a number on your arm
Actually, I heard it was going to be a bar-code on the back of your neck..............
Many thanks V, my wife is going to go to Cardiff prepared!
Local cong. never seem to order them, or never order enough,
Then only the elite receive them.
How about wearing this badge to the convention instead? Think anybody at the DC would comment about it if one did? --VM44
Bumble Bee
I always hated wearing those things! I'd pin mine on my sweater, and then not wear it!!
It was a hassel getting ours too, and they always always always spelled my last name WRONG! Didn't matter how many times I told them how to spell it~
It was a hassel getting ours too, and they always always always spelled my last name WRONG! Didn't matter how many times I told them how to spell it~
You mean they even filled the cards out for you??? We had the privilege of being permitted to write in our own names.
I can't see myself going to a convention again.
Bumble Bee
Yep, they typed the names and congregation in. Royal pain in the butt!