What told you that no holy spirit was moving the BOE?

by Crumpet 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • JeffT

    I started having more and more questions about prophecies and lack of fullfillment. In 1988 I began reading Crisis of Conscience and ran across the full text of the speech Rutherford gave at Cedar Point. The 1974 yearbook had quoted it like this (working from memory here):

    "Do you believe...

    then advertise, advertise, advertise the king and his kingdom."

    Until I read Franz I'd never know how much or what the ellipses represented. In the full text he went on and on about (again working from memory) "do you believe that the time of the end began in 1874, that Jesus returned in 1879," do you believe this thing and that thing, to which a witness now would say "no I don't believe any of that."

    It struck me that whoever wrote the yearbook had to have known that the if they printed the full version too many people would ask too many questions so they altered the text. As far as I was concerned it was an outright lie coming out of Brooklyn. Any shred of an idea that I might have had that they were misguided or confused was gone.

  • lonelysheep

    I really thought about 607's validity and no one could prove it to me without circular reasoning. It made NO sense!!

  • lonelysheep

    I knew elders. If HS was responsible for their appointment AND for keeping them on---then I KNEW that something wasn't kosher. Some elders were basically good men. Others though, sucked.
    HS? Our HS?

  • SixofNine

    On a whim, I purchased one of these, thinking it would be off the charts as soon as I got within 50 feet of the KingdomHall property....

    I got all excited as I turned the corner of the street the KH is on, and the needle thingy went to eleven (mine goes to eleven), but then it dropped to about six, and I wondered "wtf". However, it held steady at between six and nine until I went into the KH, where it dropped further and fluctuated between three and five. Fluctuated between three and five in the KH, that is, until I went up to the door of the backroom where the elders were having a quick meeting; the meter went cold immediately, and stayed that way until I got back into the crowd.

    I later connected the fact that there was a Catholic church on the corner, and a LDS church on the property ajoining the KH property with the meter's behaviour.

    Then I checked my sign and found out I'm a Taurus.

  • changeling

    Let's see... I've known an annointed missionary CO who berated others every chance he got, I've known an elder who's entire family had horror stories of his verbal and emotional abuse, I've known several elders who drank way too much and way too often... to name but a few. And these are all pretty high profile elders who still serve (well, one is dead,but he died with his priviledges). No way the HS had anything to do with these people.

  • Kudra

    6 of 9- you are CRAZY!

  • Hortensia

    it was when I realized there is no such thing as the holy spirit.

  • jwfacts

    After I figured out it was probably all BS I left Bethel and travelled the world for a year doing what people do when they travel the world. ;)

    When I came back I confessed in as much glorious detail as I could what I had done. The elders were thanking me for being so honest and upfront and saying they would forgive me this time. The whole time I was thinking "I don't even believe this anymore, surely if HS was involved this would be the perfect opportunity for it to tell them to kick me out".

  • Mariusuk.

    A whole host of things

    I always had an issue with the 1914 doctrine, as the early 90's approached to me personally it became clear the doctrine was incorrect, when I voiced this opinion to an elder I was told in no uncertain terms that this was potential apostate speech. Over the course of a year little things started to stand out more and more....the gradual shift on the blood policy, the double standards in elders, the absolute ridiculous nitpicking over the every aspect of your life............

  • wozadummy

    Let's see......pick a card......

    A: The presiding overseer telling me it's ok for my "repentant " adulterous first wife to keep pioneering (upbuilding for the congo)

    B: A bible study of mine was baptised for a while then committed immorality with a congo tart ,upon helping him see the error of his ways I advised to seek the elders help as he was repentant - they DF'd him ,one elder hated the elder father of the lad.

    C: Adelaide elder used kingdom hall property as collateral for his building business ,upon being caught out they still let him have priveleges. Then the elders asked the congos to bail out the society as the elders creditors were taking legal action to recoup their money against the kingdom hall.

    D: My wifes elder father molesting my wife when little for years and of course he was appointing more fellow servants to the body all that time.

    E: My book study conductor who was appointed an elder 14 years previously, he had adultery with his wifes best freind before his appointment and keeping it secret all those years ,then his wifes friend came clean and he had to admitt to it - after fathering more children to his wife over the years and she not knowing a thing.

    F: An MS of several years was finally appointed an elder while his wife was in England on holiday ,she not being consulted at all and not finding out till she got back....they had well known marraige problems all those years and he was into pornogrophy and an alchoholic...DF'd 1 year after his appointment.

    G: A local Elder who was known to be a drinker and sisters would complain to the other elders for years about his breath at meetings and nothing done till his wife seperated temporarily from him and then they moved to the city to his wifes brothers house who"s an elder ,under the guise of sickness.He was sick all right....he was locally known to kids on the street as the "Pedophile Preacher" he liked to hang around little boys going to public toilets!

    OK I got more but I'll give youse a rest

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