What's the worst thing that happened but you still made it to the meeting?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eclipse
    'Why are Jehovah's Witnesses the most stupid IDIOTS in the world?'

    I second that, Gill.

    They are just stupid enough to be very dangerous....

    I have known people with mental challenges to have more intelligence, usually they don't put up with bullshit, and they will call you on it if you're full of it.

    Persons with Down's Syndrome have more unconditional love in their ONE baby finger

    than a brainwashed org-worshipping JW has in their entire body,soul and heart.


    (of the, Love People with mental challenges, class)

  • bernadette

    when my daughter was 3 months old we had an appointment schedules to visit her consultant on a meeting night. The consultant said she needed urgent surgery the following week as pressure was building in her brain - she was very dozzy and listless and very likely had a severe headache - what did we do - despite being shocked distressed and exhausted we went straight from the hospital to the meeting

  • WTWizard

    I remember going to the Hell after a burglary. The front door had been just about destroyed in that (the burglary happened while I was at work), and the hole was boarded up temporarily. The landlord showed up to make a new door frame, and of course it was a meeting night. Too bad I had someone pick me up that wouldn't take any excuses for my missing meetings at that time.

    About the only way I would miss meetings would be if the hounder who usually picks me up had a talk out and I forgot to call someone for a ride until it was too late. Just before I started fading, I started intentionally "forgetting" to call for a ride every time. Then I moved, and "forgot" every single time. Occasionally I would walk to the Hell, just enough to make them think I might be at the other congregation. Ultimately, I had the flimsiest excuses (sleeping too late, it was raining and I had no umbrella, etc.) So much for that.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Hey I know Irvington very well!!

    We may just know each other lonlysheep.


  • ex-nj-jw

    Once on a trip to upstate NY for a weekend convention - there was a really bad accident where a couple of people died. One of the "sisters" had a bunch of kids and they were all split up in different cars, she had a nervous breakdown because she was convinced that one of her million kids were dead.

    They still dragged her delirious butt to the ASSembly for 2 days!


  • FreedomFrog
    I would let the cat sleep with me; because, I would always wake up with a sore throat, that would be gone in a few hours.

    Heehee...sounds like me...actually, AlmostAtheist turned me in a few times because I seemed to be sick on meeting nights and not other nights....Right Dave???


  • AlmostAtheist

    >>AlmostAtheist turned me in a few times because I seemed to be sick on meeting nights and not other nights....Right Dave???

    I was only concerned for you; I found your lack of faith disturbing:


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Eclipse, Just to let you know, they didn't make me give the talk I wanted to give it. I thought that would be the noble strong thing to do. My father had cancer for 9 months and was going fast(of the isophagus.) When I came home from school that day I was greeted by my mother and 2 brothers. The look on their faces, though they were trying to hide it, told me everything. I looked at each one of them and said 'so Dad's dead huh!'

    Due to my than beliefs, in what I thought to be the truth, I had even at that young of an age developed a very emotionless persona. I refused to let my self feel pain or sorrow (kinda based on the whole man should not cry thing.) I believed In facts and logic over all else. We had a hope of a ressurection and what not so why should I feel upset or sorrow over this temporary loss. Of course I also believed that I would not finish high school.

    One of the greatest faults of this religion is that it creates warped psychi's in people. After a while of being in, their initial truths and reasonings where thin. So you have two choices, 1. see that the emperor is truly naked or 2. reprogram yourself in such a fashion that your persona is altered to acceptthe conditioning and lies they tell.

  • reneeisorym

    I remember having big tests that I needed to study for at school -- finals and such -- and still going to the meetings because their education was more important than the secular education. Then my parents would make me have the same bedtime as usual afterwards.

  • OnTheWayOut

    At a DC, I noticed a woman holding a tiny baby. She said it was the baby's first Convention. The
    baby was two weeks old. Give me a break. Keep your baby at home for the first two months or at
    least go to the stupid short meetings only.

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