JW Fired for Refusing to Sing Happy Birthday

by Kenneson 127 Replies latest jw friends

  • James Free
    James Free

    "hitler was to soft on the jw's if you ask me. i don't go for any of this cry baby stuff for jw's. they want to be anti social. treat them like terrorist that they are. and i have no quarms about saying how i feel." I will say what I feel too - that such disgusting comments reveal you to be an inhuman idiot unworthy to be allowed to post in this forum.

  • Mary
    nvgnbk said: That sounds like "theocratic warfare" tactics Mary. LMAO

    Actually----I did try my best ........I wasn't sure how the gold stuff stayed on, so I tied it to one of the bottom branches and just made one big spiral loop around the entire tree and then tied a knot in it at the top. You could see the knot so I stuck the angel over top of it, but it was lopsided. LOL!!!

  • nvrgnbk

    Actually----I did try my best ........I wasn't sure how the gold stuff stayed on, so I tied it to one of the bottom branches and just made one big spiral loop around the entire tree and then tied a knot in it at the top. You could see the knot so I stuck the angel over top of it, but it was lopsided. LOL!!!

    I'd have paid good money to see that Mary.

    Sounds like a scene from National Lampoons- A Fading Jehovah's Witnesses' Christmas Story.

  • GetBusyLiving

    The thing that would piss me off as an employer would be that she hadn't told them in advance that she would not be able to sing happy birthday. If she didn't realize that would be part of her job before applying she must have been living under a rock. Suing them sure gave a good "witness", too.


  • WTWizard

    First, there should be a clear job description. If singing at birthday parties or putting up Christmas trees is part of the job, then it should be listed prominently in the job description. That way, a Witless would be able to see a potential problem before they actually have a run-in. This would give the Witless the chance to decline the job on religious grounds, or make the decision that, as long as it's part of the job, then it's beyond their control and accept it along with the duty of singing the song or putting up the tree.

    I too think the Witlesses are, as a group, the worst value-destroyers in society. They waste people's time, and get others to waste their time too. However, rounding them all up and killing them would accomplish little more than stoking their persecution complex. The same for putting them in prison. I personally think being forced to read apostate literature is a more fitting punishment, since that would open their eyes and make them think (besides, they try to force everyone to read their literature). And they ought to have to find some work that creates value for society instead of pioneer stamps. Maybe that would cut back on the pioneers that ride the system.

    This firing would be valid if the job description, including the requirement of singing at birthday parties or setting up Christmas trees, were revealed at the time when the applicant accepted the job. That was an agreement to do this job to the reasonable best of the person's ability. If an outstanding wait person is a lousy singer or cannot set up a Christmas tree properly, that might be forgiven (especially those where the poor singing is due to factors beyond their control). The important thing is that the person make the effort to do that end of the job. For sure, the customers would rather have a poor singing (assuming that the service is otherwise good) than no effort at all.

  • brinjen
    Sounds like a scene from National Lampoons- A Fading Jehovah's Witnesses' Christmas Story.

    Anyone wanna have a go at writing the script?

    My immediate thought was how much the borg would have pounced on this and turned the situation into yet another persecution story to glow over... alt

  • purplesofa

    Wow, JW's make it so hard, it's redicilous.

    I was newly reinstated after nine years of being DF. I was dismissed from a job, for not going to the X-mas dinner. I was manager of the store, and not going did not go well at all with the owners of the store. They did not understand. And, frankly, I did not blame them.

    When I was DF, I still believed in the truth. I worked at a car dealership and they had a huge event every year of the Nativity Scene. Camels, sheep and other animals were brought in. We had everything but a real little baby in a manger. I played the Virgin Mary(after birthing 5 kids, it truely was a miracle. We did this three nights in a row, and I really felt like it was just my job.

    I worked at a furniture store and it was decorated heavily for Christmas, July 4th and some for Easter. I was still DF at this time and mostly wiggled my way out of holiday decoations, but I was the merchandiser of the store and had to oversee the decorating. Everyone thought I was really cool to let them do as they pleased for holidays!!!!

    If I went to a resturaunt, and I was there to celebrate a birthday and my waitress was not going to do that. I would be very dissatified with the service. This waitress was probably not mature enough to handle the situation. Which I think the witnesses put too much on young ones to make stands in this way.

    Singing Happy Birthday is not a religious holiday. Almost all religions that I know of celebrate birthdays. Now if they asked her to sacrifice her firstborn, I can see all the riff.

    I don't think she really had the right to sue the resturaunt. It probably did not come up in the interviewing process.

    It's ok for Witnesses to decide what enviroment they want to be in and who they have in their employ, they should respect the wishes of others. It's not persecution in these situations, its just the situation.


  • BlackPearl

    Sure she won $38,000.00, but who's gonna listen to the JW's in that neighborhood now? Everyone will be pissed off at the JW's for having caused the small business owner so much grief. Kinda "won the battle, but lost the war" here.


  • Warlock

    Hey cip,

    Go to hell.


  • changeling

    I thought we left the borg looking for tolerance and open mindedness. We can't attack the WT for being judgemental if we are as well. Religous freedom is a right we all have, JW's included. No one should be penalized for their beliefs as long as they do not harm others.

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