JW Fired for Refusing to Sing Happy Birthday

by Kenneson 127 Replies latest jw friends

  • FreedomFrog
    I agree that the girl was not entitled to a settlement since they probly told her when she took the job that part of her job was to sing happy birthday

    Ok, I agree that maybe she wasn't entitled to a settlement..but maybe entitled to layoff benefits...I don't agree that they would have told her that she would have to sing on the job. Being a waitress, it's just that...they serve FOOD...I've been a waitress...it's NOT part of the job description..Part of the job "decription" for being a waitress in every place I've been is only to serve FOOD..

    Again...would you rather them live off our taxes and not TRY to make a living? Like one poster said (sorry forgot who said this) are we to banned jews and muslims for what they believe? Are we to banned red meats from resteraunts because some are offened? Customers/employers need to get over it. Customers that are offended by pork need to deal with it and employers that are offended by someone not wanting to celebrate a few things need to get over it.

    Everyone in this world has a different way of looking at things...we are not the same...we do not believe the same...that is what makes this world interesting.

  • mouthy

    My 2 cents. I dont think anyone should be fired for following their conscience

    When I worked at the Bay I wouldnt do what the Company said I had to do, Exchange gifts at Christmas.Take lovely gifts from the company's ,except a Christmas bonus.!... Go the party, Etc:etc: Yes! I was called in to the big bosses office to "put me straight" But it got me at least an hours field service....LOL

    Try to remember JWS are under mind control. Remember Jones Town, Remember Koresh!!! Have a little sympathy for those who are entrapped. like we were.

  • Scully

    johnny cip

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  • MinisterAmos

    Hey Scully! Does that mean we shouldn't call the Mesquite Hall on Sunday and ask to speak to th "Birfday Gurl"?

  • sammielee24

    Sometimes there are a lot more fractions to the stories than we actually read.

    I don't believe that someone's religious conscience should be allowed to filter in the lives of others at will. We can recall the case of the JW receptionist who read the medical records of another JW who was a patient in the doctors office where she worked. She turned the woman in to the elders for having a STD and the woman was disfellowshipped. What right did she have to disclose personal private information?

    It also works both ways.

    My FIL, a devout JW has his hand out for a gov't pension that he gets from fighting in the war. He feels entitled to take the cash from a gov't and country he has no loyalties to and yet he feels a moral obligation to disfellowship the young teenage JW girl who was caught out with a worldly young man. sammieswife.

  • loosie

    I think the compnay was wrong to fire her for not singing happy birthday. If you were a waiter/waitress at an Indian resturant. Would you priase Allah if the manager said too?

  • heathen
    Would you priase Allah if the manager said too?

    I think you should say up front before you take the job what you are willing to do for the clientel. Those type of buisness are service oriented and have expectations of their employees to satify the needs of the customer . Nobody wants to hear about your conscience , I mean if your conscience bothered you so much then why take money that has pagan and satanic symbols on it anyway ? Stay home and milk the welfare system like alot of dubbies do anyway so they can get their time in . It's funny how this conscience of theirs always allows them to take people to court and hire worldly people to represent them .

  • Scully
    Hey Scully! Does that mean we shouldn't call the Mesquite Hall on Sunday and ask to speak to th "Birfday Gurl"?

    What you do in the privacy of your home is none of my (or JWD's) business.

  • loosie
    I mean if your conscience bothered you so much then why take money that has pagan and satanic symbols on it anyway ?

    My conscience doesn't bother me. But if you stop allowing the JW's freedom (as long as no other is harmed) then the next thing to go will be our freedom.

  • Warlock

    Unless you were specifically hired as "The Birthday Clown", then why should you have to sing "Happy Birthday" to anyone on any job?

    I believe if that was a Muslim, who refused to serve pork, the company wouldn't dare fire them. Why? Because of fear.


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