Long time members, how do you cope with so much tragedy on this forum?

by PEC 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • PEC


    Margaritas for everyone.

  • juni

    Cool Philip! Hey? Those look like martinis > but we could pretend that little greenie is a slice of lime and not an olive. LOL

    Hey FHN! The only reason I don't like the salt on the rim is because it burns my lips. (hee hee, never used that one i don't think) That's why the salty food. I know that doesn't make sense. Maybe it's a different kind of salt???? Maybe i'm just weird.

    Too bad we can't all meet together tonight for a drink and good conversation....... No drunkedness ( how do you spell that word? drunkenness? of course - just feel relaxed and slightly giddy.


  • Dragonlady76

    Breaks are needed here and there, I personally have been absent on this board for over a year at the very least.

    I have learned to accept that from time to time I will read very sad stories, they help remind me that "our work here is not done".

  • PEC

    "our work here is not done".

    Dragonlady76, thanks.

    That is why so many of us don't/won't/can't leave.


  • LittleToe

    I take occasional breaks, as needed. I'm just coming out of one now, although that has been partly imposed by my marriage and work. I'll be fairly quiet over the next couple of weeks as I have a forthcoming road trip but after that you can expect me to be back with a vengence

  • ninja

    hey LT....you will be fairly quiet for the rest of your life mate.....but occasionally you will get a word in edgeways....when your mrs takes an intake of breath....rare...but welcome

  • PEC

    ninja is just saying congratulations in his own little way.

    LT, looking forward to your return.


  • LittleToe

    Happy Birthday PEC!

    Are you joining us on the 21st?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Like many others I take time out from reading all the posts - well not ALL the posts. I'm going through one of those times at the moment. I'm more likely to scan the forum and them go work on the Best of for a while.

    I do find that when I do take a time-out when I get back there are so many new people that I feel I have missed a lot.

  • Flowerpetal
    (because a truth seeker is, almost, always uncomfortable),

    Wow, I like that and soooo true!!! Thanks, Vernon!

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