Last Night an Elder called me,,,,but

by orangefatcat 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • orangefatcat

    I didn't answer the telephone, I just didn ' t feel like getting all riled up as I have enough on my plate right now.

    It was the same elder who showed up at my bedside while I was recently in the hospital. I told the hospitals administration years ago to take my off the JW list for visitations. So I was quite shocked to see this guy. As I went back to the church of my upbringing the Anglican or Episcopalian as you Americans call it.

    I just didn't feel I could deal with him last night and I am sure that he will try again.

    Maybe next time I won't feel as tired and worn out.

    I have alot of things I would like to tell him but then didn't Jesus say. "why throught pearls before swine."?

    Lets see what happens.


  • penny2

    I'm a firm believer in not answering the phone if you don't want to speak to someone. You get to that point in life where you just don't need the stress.

  • Marcel

    penny, you're so right!
    i hate that telephone-rings-so-stop-whatever-youre-doing-and-pick-up-that-damn-phone-fast-faster-hurry!!!-attitude too.

  • WTWizard

    That's what is so good about Caller ID Plus Name. If one of the hounders comes up on it (or if it displays "Private Name--Private Number), I will let the answering machine take the call. Of course, I will not return the call for them.

    And I will not accept any invitations via mail, either. They sent me an invitation to the Crapmorial by mail, and I just put it in the garbage. I didn't even acknowledge having received it. I just hope they don't try certified mail, return receipt requested. If they do that, I will have to send it back to the sender postage due so that they will have wasted their postage. No matter what, there is no way I am ever going inside a Kingdumb Hell on my own volition.

  • sinis

    You realize that for like $5.00 more per month most phone carriers will allow you to block certain phone numbers - I have done it in the past and they get the message.

  • WTWizard

    True, you can block certain numbers. However, the hounders have several tricks to get around that. The most common is to call from someone else's house. This means they don't have to call from the blocked number, and they get through. They can also use their cell phone, change their number, or mark a call as particularly urgent. These are effective in getting around the block.

    If you have Caller ID, preferably with the feature that allows the name to come up, you have a better chance. That way, even if they change the number, the name is still the same and you will be able to screen it. If they call from another person's home, chances are you will recognize that person and be able to block that one, too. If they use a cell phone, they will also have the name. And private name/private number calls are always suspicious, since they often mean telemarketers anyway. This is not perfect, but it will stop them from being able to change numbers or call from another "friend's" home.

    Of course, if you don't mind being rude, you can always hang up on them. If you answer the phone and it is the hounders, there is the hang-up button. They will probably call back, and they will either not get an answer or they will get hung up on again. Unplugging the phone from the wall jack works just as well--when they try to call back, they will just keep getting a busy signal. Using dial-up Internet or taking the phone off the hook when you are expecting them to call back works as well.

    None of this matters if you get paper letters. The regular ones are easy to discard as junk mail. If you get one certified mail return receipt requested and see the address, then you will need to refuse it. They will soon get the message after getting a few of those back, since it will waste their postage. It will not stop them from sending you spam--putting them on your spam blocker will only work until they change the address. Either way, you have to report it as spam--hopefully, if they send enough spam, they will lose their Internet service for spam.

  • Hortensia

    We all need to get over being excessively nice to people who call. If someone calls and you don't want to talk with that person, just say you can't talk right now and gently hang up. They won't die. They might learn something. Practice on the telephone sales people - say you can't talk right now and gently hang up. That's all there is to it.

  • free2think

    OFC I know that feeling. I do that too, especially when i don't feel up to a 'witness,' it's just too tiring.

  • Quandry

    I don't understand the point of it. Does he know that you have gone back to the Anglican church? Why did he come see you in the hospital? And why, if you told him you'd gone back to the church, does he want to talk to you now?

  • reneeisorym

    Or you could just change your phone number to an unlisted number.

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