She sounds like someone homeschooled by her semi-literate parents in the hopes of saving her from the big, bad world. When they find out she's been on the evil internet and emailing you she will be beaten within an inch of her life and dragged to the elders.
13-yr old girl writes: example of Witnesses lying
by Dogpatch 57 Replies latest jw friends
I've been near this situation, and know young girls that would do this.
In my younger years (:P) , I did indeed defend the watchtower online. It was very limited tho.
I had better grammar than that however...
So don't bash, you'll probably have another apostate freind in a few years :P . -
Come on Randy!!! It is your fault...I mean don't you see clearly the obvious mistake here!!!
Instead of realizing the mistake, you put the email of the 31 year old sister on the web!!!
It is clear as ice...The sister was soooo shocked from the LIES that you are saying against God's Organization here on Plannet Earth, that instead of typing 31, she typed 13!!! A VERY SIMPLE AND COMMON TYPING MISTAKE
What a mess...
I'm not a girl, and was never a JW, but I was raised in the WCG which is similar, and at the age of 13 I'd have been TERRIFIED to call an adult by their first name. Even after I was out of the WCG by being DFed at 13, and in foster care, when the family who was caring for me suggested that I call them by their first names (since 'mom' or 'dad' would have been awkward at so early a stage), I was kinda scandalized, and blushingly replied "no ma'am, I don't think I can do that either".
hey yeah randy why and how you left bethel is between you and jehovah but ...
I'm guessing JW kids are raised the same way. So I'm guessing also, that the poster is correct. Unless of course 'theocratic warfare' means it's ok for kids to be disrespectful of (apostate) adults, too, as well as tell lies in a courtroom.
Skin pale, eyes wide-open, voice speaks in hushed, spooked monotone:
"I see 13-year-old-girls"
Justhuman: Maybe. Or else she put down her IQ instead of her age. Either way, it's a joke.
What makes you think this is not a 13 year old girl?
It wasn't written in curly sentences with hearts, smilies, and fluffy things. Becides, any self-respecting thirteen year old girl would go in to battle with two or three of her girlfriends. To back her up.
13-year-old girl (aka older JW; aka troll; aka whatever) wrote: " left because of your chose so please dont stumble someone because you dont believe its the truth anymore"
I love that sentence. When I was actually a 13-year-old JW girl a long time ago, I was "stumbled" many times by JWs in my cong, once literally stumbled. A snooty sister stepped on my foot (deliberately? don't know) and sneered as I hopped around in pain. Another JW (annointed one, no less) relished telling me vicious gossip about everyone in the cong. The PO once called me up to stand in front of the entire cong and humiliated me for dating a non-JW. There are many other examples, and I know others here have had much harsh er treatment than I received.
Although the JW idea of Armageddon is a fantasy, I sometimes indulge myself by thinking that almost no JW would survive it because they've "stumbled" so many themselves. They would get the old "mill stone" treatment just like the rest of us. -
Just so you know, I too was stumbled.
a 13 yr old girlYeah Randy, I was a happy little dub until I found your website! Seriously, I don't believe that is a real 13 year old. That's bad grammar even to a 13 year old. The person is either very unedumacated or I suspect it may even be delibrate to make the post appear even more authentic.
I have raised 3 13 year old females (several years apart, not triplets), and let me assure you that they would never call themselves "GIRLS", nor would they go around telling their age--they also wanted to be seen as being more mature than they really were!
I'll second that, having been a 13 year old girl at one stage... I would have never called myself a girl nor would I have said I was 13 either. At that age, you don't want to identify yourself with being a child still in any way.
Filibuster with fallacies and factoids Anytime/anywhere JW's lose their position defending their Orwellian Watchtower cult they will stoop to personal attacks and will always "shoot the messenger".
Jehovah's Witnesses are psychopathic liars,with a supremacist attitude that the rest of us are dead meat at Armageddon so they don't need to be truthful with us inferiors who are gonna die anyway. What's a Jehovah's Witnesses troll?
It's pretty obvious, isn't it? They lie about their affiliation, but the buzzwords and phrasing give them away every time. He/she is a classic Jehovah's Witness psychopath troll who lies that he/she is really a JW so as to present a "non biased" "objective opinion" against exjw's and pick fights with them.Trolls who are really JW's saying that they aren't and don't support the JW belief system but pick fights hurl abuse at those who oppose the Watchtower.
JW R an abomination to the god who's name that U blaspheme "the truth is worth lying for" Jehovah's Witnesses are the 'perfect storm' of deception-in a word they are the cult of Innuendo -Danny Haszard Bangor Maine