Baptism at age 11 next Saturday

by Fatfreek 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mariusuk.

    Bearing in mind that in this country you cannot enter into a legal contract until you are 18 I find it rather sickening that kids are allowed to effectively enter into a contract with the WTBTS for something far more important than money, their actual life. The kids while proclaiming that they are ready and committed to Jehovah are in fact either just trying to show off or please their parents who just love to have jnr in his little suit as a mic holder as soon as possible

  • Fatfreek

    Thanks, Blondie, for those references. It looks as if WT encouragement has consistently been to get them counted dunked early.

    I can see it now -- baptized in the morning, then on stage during the evening session "experiences" with microphone in his little face.


  • anewme

    Best way to stop this insanity is through the major law suits.

    Bring this awful organization to its financial knees and openly expose it for being the controlling
    unloving ungodly entity it is.

    Then parents will think twice about offering up their children to a cult organization.

  • startingover


    I'm not surprised by this. With the ever dwindling intelligence level of the information presented at the meetings and in their publications, the real question should be why would anyone older than 11 dedicate themselves to this religion?

    Now that really hits the nail on the head!

  • Emma

    If there's a push toward increasing numbers by baptising younger and younger kids, I can see this backfiring. It's normal for teens to rebel or experiment with things outside their family. But in the wts, you have to disfellowship them if they're baptised. This could lead to a big drop in members as these kids grow up, are shunned by family, and then find their way outside the borg.

  • Smiles_Smiles

    Well no one is probably going to want to hear this part of it but I will say it anyway.

    My daughter now 14 got baptized at 9 or 10. I tried to whole her back but it was what she really wanted and at the time I couldnt see why not. I was in it full force and blinded hook line and sinker.

    The funny thing is we have both been out in august what will be 3 years. She started waking up around the time I did. That was when she was about 11 or so. And I must say she was fully woke just a minute of two before me. Our last meeting I gave a talk (just to say what I felt my heart needed to say for my own benefit). Then when I sat down I looked at her and she looked at me and I said 'are you ready' and she said 'yes'. So we got up and walked out. We have and had very open communication and some where deep we both new that chapter was closed and we would not be revisiting it.

    So the moral of this story is kids baptised early or not can wake up and get on with thier life just like adults can. I know adults who were never baptized who are still inslaved to the JW mindset. My daughter being able to see it for herself and walk away made her stronger to stand up when she sees the local JW's at school. It helps her not to be sucked into that crap again. But at the same time she is able to honor that others believe it hook line and sinker like she and I both did at one time. And I might add it also helps her to not become inslaved (rather mentally or physically or emotionally) to all the other people, organizations, society, etc that would love to take over telling her how to think, act and/or believe.

    Well that's my 2 cents ~ remeber though 2 cents cant even by you a piece of gum these days.


  • Mum

    Jesus indicated that those who are cut off by family members for the sake of the truth will be rewarded "a hundredfold." (Mark 10:29, 30) This was true of Entellia, a ten-year-old girl in northern Africa, who loved God’s name—Jehovah—as soon as she heard it. She studied with Jehovah’s Witnesses and walked 90 minutes each way to meetings, even though her opposed family often shut her out of the home on her return. After the quotation above (unless Blondie left something out, which I don't believe she did), no concern is expressed for the safety of the child whose parents are locking her out of her home. So here we have another example of the coldness of a corporation which will not contact the authorities when a child is being endangered or blantantly, overtly neglected. All that matters is that she is a good little soldier. Wouldn't even most corporations tell the child they would give her a job when she turned 18 so she wouldn't be subjected to this kind of treatment? Regards, SandraC

  • Smiles_Smiles


    I know we are not the norm but she is doing great. To toot her horn ... she ended up home schooling 6th-8th grade because of the fact she thought she wasn't learning anything much in public school (just be taught the state test information). And because right around that time the witnesses (adults including my sister) where basically stalking her at school. She completed 6th-8th grades in 2 years and entered High School. She basically skipped her Sophomore year also. She is now 14 and a Junior and is currently taking college classes simultaneously.

    this is just from me not holding her back and trying to support her aspirations. Where one might have thought that was a huge mistake in the JW baptism issue (which I admit it could have bit me in the ass). It's the same drive that makes her excel and motivates her in the rest of her life. I did not and do not now feel comfortable with anything other than supporting that drive and of course to the best of my knowledge and ability at any given time keeping her safe and prepared in the process.

    OK so that is 3 cents ... tehehee


  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Great and inspiring Smiles_Smiles!

    More power to you and your daughter.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Sad image from "Follow the Borg" District Convention:

    Little girl sitting in the front row. Feet dangling in the air at least a foot off the ground. Couldn't have been more than 9.

    Most recent Craptower having to do with baptism (about a year ago?) had photos and one was a little girl who couldn't have been more than 10.

    Open Mind

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