I understand why some need to post in a circumspect manner, but as for me and my household, we hide from nobody.
I haven't specifically told my backbiting family of assholes I post here.
As regards being tracked down from my posts by someone with bad intent, I fear nothing nor anyone. I have passed through the fire and those arrayed against me have fallen in ruin.
I have lived more hell in my life than anyone I know, from horrific childhood abuse to bondage to the cult, homelessness, bad relationships, loss, heartache, injury, treachery, even being confined to a basement (execpt for meetings and school) from the age of 16 to 18.
I have been shot at, stabbed, burned, beaten and worse.
There is NOTHING any man can do to me that I need fear. I do not wish any one harm, and seek no conflict, but will not hesitate to use any method to defend those I love.
I have seen the blackest portions of the human soul and lived when I was not meant to survive, I know what I'm up against.
I have visited the blackest portions of my own soul and know what's there but have risen above it.
Having said that, I'm not hard to find, pop in for a steak and a beer sometime.
Well-intentioned, reasonable people are always welcome.