Imagine an elder stepping up to the microphone and.....

by JH 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Imagine an elder stepping up to the microphone at the hall, and instead of doing his part, he would just talk about all that's not right in that religion and take his time talking about his doubts before stepping down as elder.....and no one would stop him from talking because he is respected and because he would be the head elder and every other elder would be taken by surprise and wouldn't know what to do....

    Has this ever happened, do you think it could ?

  • JH

    I wonder how long he could talk before someone asking him to leave......

  • dedpoet

    Little Toe resigned and disassociated from the platform during a
    public talk, but I doubt its' happened too often. I would think that
    if an elder or any other jw began expressing doubts from the platform
    he would be interrupted before he got too far. I don't think the elders
    would want the congregation to hear his reasons somehow.

  • Elsewhere

    Hell... I thought this was going to be a "fart joke" thread.

  • hubert

    There was a poster from Scotland(?) Ireland(?) that did this when they left, although not as severe. He did mention a thing or two, then walked out of the meeting.

    I forgot who it was. Maybe someone else remembers this post or who it was?

    Sorry, wish I could help more than this.

    Thanks...It WAS "LittleToe".


  • TheCoolerKing

    It would be a blessing if it ever happened, but I can't imagine how. I'm sure that they would find someway to DF him. Then they would humiliate his family and put them through hell.

  • ButtLight

    If it were about 2 mins jammed into the end of a talk, then yes!

  • JH

    Some older and respected elders have lots of "charisma" and I'm sure they would listen to him as long as no other elder would try to stop him, or turn off the sound....

    Maybe others would join that magic moment and also add their doubts to the conversation

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear JH,

    Yes, This has happened, someone here on the forum I believe did this. Or maybe it was on another forum. Anyway, if my memorie serves me right, it was taped too. It was his exit talk and I think he was a elder. Sorry my head is not too clear yet. Just woke up and only have had a couple sips of coffee!! So I am still waking up..maybe someone else remembers this. was quite amazing!!


    Lady Liberty

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    OK, so maye I should have read further on..Yes, it was Little Toe!!! Didn't he tape it??


    Lady Liberty

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