At The Peak Of Your JW Spirituality, Did You Ever Not Believe Something ?

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    At your most "spiritual", did you believe EvERYTHING that was taught----even if you didn't quite understand it all?

  • justhuman

    I was always finding Russell, and Booze Jo strange lads!!!

  • Gopher

    I buried my doubts about at least these 3 things. (I'm sure there were others.)

    1. Jesus is the mediator ONLY for the anointed "class". I mean really, if we were supposed to end our prayers "... in the name of Jesus Christ amen", how was he not supposed to be a mediator?

    2. That everything in the Bible book of Revelation was fulfilled in the 20th century organization of Jehovah's Witnesses and their leader.

    3. That they had the prophecies of Daniel right - what were the 1290 days, the 1335 days, the King of the North, the "standing up" of the Kingdom ruler. None of their explanations of these things seemed logical.

  • dedpoet

    The seven trumpets of Revelation being seven jw conventions in the
    1920's always seemed kind of unbelievable to me. The scriptures
    indicate that these would be world wide events that everyone heard
    about, and I doubt most of the world had even heard of the bible
    students, as they were then called, in the 1920's

    I always had trouble swallowing the flood story in Genesis as well

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    The peak of my JW spirituality occurred in the last discussion I had with the Elders in Monett: the one where I was threatened with being df'ed for apostasy. It was a forty year climb to reach the point of placing Truth above Agreement, a clear conscience above loyalty to the WT.

    And, here we are.....


  • TheCoolerKing
    I always had trouble swallowing the flood story in Genesis as well

    I have to echo what dedpoet said. I always had a problem with the global flood. And which was it, did Noah take two or seven kinds of animals into the ark? Genesis writer / writers didn't seem like they could get it straight! The same thing occurs too with the story of creation in Genesis, there are two versions.


  • minimus

    Like a good dubbie, I figured whatever I couldn't understand, I'd wait on Jehovah.

  • LongHairGal

    I always wondered if they were somewhat wrong about the age of the human race as they teach it. I also found their explanation of the Revelation book hard to swallow.

    I also did not believe their applying fulfillment of bible prophecies to themselves. I found this a little presumptuous and far fetched.


  • Blueblades

    The No Blood Doctrine, no blood transfusions. I just could not accept their interpretation, yet I did not contest it. I always had my no blood card by my drivers license. I would not have refused giving blood to my children if they needed a life saving blood transfusion. That never materialized, if it did, then I would of been Disfellowedshipped way back when.


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Many things. I never took a hard stand on holidays, entertainment, bad association, blood, as well as many other things.

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