We use so many abbreviations here that I thought a list might help people who are unaware of their meanings (not everyone here is or was a JW). Some are related to internet use and some are specific to JWs
So feel free to add to the list.
JWD = this website = jehovahs-witness-discussion
bttt = back to the top = by posting on a thread you send it to the top of the ACTIVE TOPICS
JWs = Jehovah's Witnesses
DFed = disfellowshipped
DAed - disassociated
GB = Governing Body
FDS = Faithful and Discrete Slave
R&F = rank and file = the average Witnesses
CO = Circuit overseer
DO = district overseer
BORG = the WTS that controls everything and rejects individuality = Borg from Star Trek
BORG = Brooklyn ORGanization
DC = district convention
CA - circuit assembly
KH = kingdom hall
MS = ministerial servant
lol = laugh out loud
UBM = unbelieving mate