Common abbreviations used here

by Lady Lee 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    We use so many abbreviations here that I thought a list might help people who are unaware of their meanings (not everyone here is or was a JW). Some are related to internet use and some are specific to JWs

    So feel free to add to the list.

    JWD = this website = jehovahs-witness-discussion

    bttt = back to the top = by posting on a thread you send it to the top of the ACTIVE TOPICS

    JWs = Jehovah's Witnesses

    DFed = disfellowshipped

    DAed - disassociated

    GB = Governing Body

    FDS = Faithful and Discrete Slave

    R&F = rank and file = the average Witnesses

    CO = Circuit overseer

    DO = district overseer

    BORG = the WTS that controls everything and rejects individuality = Borg from Star Trek

    BORG = Brooklyn ORGanization

    DC = district convention

    CA - circuit assembly

    KH = kingdom hall

    MS = ministerial servant

    lol = laugh out loud

    UBM = unbelieving mate

  • mrsjones5

    I got one:

    WTF = What the F___

    one of my favs, don't use it often tho


  • Nosferatu

    Yeah, there's the typical internet acronyms

    LMAO = Laughing my ass off

    ROTFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

    IMO = In my honest/humble opinion

    BTW = By The Way

    BF = Boyfriend

    GF = Girlfriend

    SO or S/O = Significant Other

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    IMHO: In my hillbilly opinion

    From MO,



    Thanks, very helpful. BORG had me mystified although I could tell what it was by the context I didn't actually know what it meant. I just figured I would wait on Jehovah and eventually see the light.

  • DJK

    BOE, I'm guessing on this one, body of elders.


    bttt - back to the top

    lolam -laughing out loud at myself

    I thought bttt meant the poster was giving someone the raspberries !

  • lonelysheep

    BS = Bible Student or bull*hit, depending on context!

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    JC = Judicial Committee = Kangaroo Court = Circle Jerk (Sometimes) = Only taste of power some window washers ever get.

  • z


    Lady Lee!!!!!

    Sweet as always love u


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