What birthday age depressed you the most?

by FreedomFrog 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJK

    40 was rough and everything since gets worse.

  • FreedomFrog
    Then somebody slapped me, and I turned 40....no biggy.

    Hmmm, that's what I need...a good slap.

    Even though things are tough for me in my 30's, I do have 2 wonderful children. I AM going to school now by my own fighting way. And even though my degree won't come in 6 months like I had hoped and planned, I will still get my degree one day.

    It's tough not to sit back and think about all that wasted time. I wasted it on relationships, I wasted it on career choices, and I wasted it on religion. But I'm not going to waste my time anymore!!!...

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    My wife, still a professing Witness but not too active, turns the big four-oh TOMORROW. She's a little down about it, but says 45 will be harder for her. I'm trying to find something nice to do for her without it being too "birthday-ish" (so she'll accept it).

  • poppers

    For me it was turning 29 because for that whole year I kept thinking, "My god, I'll be 30 next year and what have I accomplished?" Everything since then has been a cake walk (I just turned 56 in May).

  • Warlock

    Since I don't celebrate birthdays, I don't even know how old I am, let alone which one got me into a state of depair.



    The Birthdays that depressed me,were the ones I couldn`t celebrate..Once I was away from the JW Cult,I have enjoyed every Birthday since...OUTLAW

  • Leolaia

    For me, it definitely was when I turned 25. It bothered me so much that it motivated me get certain goals in order. I wish I could feel similarly motivated now!

  • Finally-Free

    I think my next one will be the worst - half a century. Maybe I'll buy myself a plot and headstone.


  • Hobo

    none of them really depress me, but at birthday time I do dwell a little too much on time wasted.

    fortunately, I'm not too old to still do something about it...

    I may never be a scholar, but there's no time like the present to start accomplishing some of those dreams!!

  • nvrgnbk

    Every year gets a little better.

    A little more mental clarity.

    A little less self-doubt.

    I'll be 35 in December.

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