How Do You Handle Compliments?

by smellsgood 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2think

    I find it really hard accepting compliments, I never feel i'm worthy of them.

    I'm working on that though.

  • UnConfused

    I don't know. Someone compliment me and we'll find out.

  • Spectre

    "Insightful and intelligent."

    Ok, I'll take that one.

    Waitaminute, I barely said anything. Are you messing with me?

  • nvrgnbk

    All of us are afraid and insecure, to a greater or lesser degree.

    Young and old.

    Men and women.

    Take the compliment when you get it. Enjoy it. They are too few and far between.

  • mavie

    Smile and nod.

  • AnnOMaly

    I usually respond with something witty and self-depreciating. It sometimes backfires (when they turn out to be stupid responses instead of witty) and I get quizzical looks.

    I should just smile and say 'thank you' like normal people.

  • smellsgood

    Unconfused, You are a genius with the grill!~~~~~and when you hit that high note in "My Heart Will Go On" it's like a million diamonds sparkling in the heavens!!

    Spectre, huh-uh, come on you've made posts, and I've been here watching YOU for yeaaarrrs!!! :) I'm not yanking your chain,, you cool baby, you're cool!

    I know, it does seem to feel like we never deserve or are unworthy, just knowing that maybe is a step in overcoming that feeling?? Besides, some compliments you really didn't do much but be born to receive it feels like

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I didn't used to take compliments well - I wasn't that good, I was scared of getting big-headed - I just had less than zero self-esteem.

    Now I'm learning to accept them graciously, I smile and say 'thankyou' and most importantly - allow myself to feel good!

    I can usually discern the genuine from the *polite* compliments nowadays too.

  • smellsgood


    It sometimes backfires (when they turn out to be stupid responses instead of witty) and I get quizzical looks.

    LOL! Same here.

  • lonelysheep

    I smile and say thank you. I realize people don't have to give them, and they are always appreciated!

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