A New Breed Of JW Emerging?

by Englishman 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I gotta wonder if a lot of you guys in Europe are rather ahead
    of us in regard to Witness congregations suffering a decline of

    What I do see is a fantastic amount of marriage/family decay.
    Every month brings some new shock in our local congregation
    or friends we know. Somebody posted an experience a while back
    about elders looking for a family with wife at home and husband
    and kids doing well for a circuit assembly example on stage.
    Apparently, they couldn't find anyone.

    I don't want to sound cruel but it's hard to articulate any
    other way. Most loyal Witnesses I know are losers - bad jobs,
    poor education, crummy social skills, horrid family life,
    you name it. I feel sorry for them but enlightenment isn't
    easy. Whenever you point out their predicament, they will
    usually compare themselves to 'worldly' people in worse shape
    than themselves - rather than a better (and more prosperous)
    social class. --- stuck in a mental prison of their own making.


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist


    I visited a multi-translation online bible site, and read those verses in 7 different translations in three languages (Spanish; Italian and English, of course).

    While I personally see no restriction in the bible about birthdays, I also don't see any advantage in celebrating or ignoring one's birthday, the verses you cited in JOB do NOT specifically mention the "day" of choosing or celebrating as being the birthday of JOB or his children.

    There is NOT enough information in verses 3-5 to lean in either direction on birthdays. You're stretching the meaning, unless you have some other references to offer us. Just my two cents.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Perhaps the greatest and most significant behavioral characteristic manifested in the growing trend of liberalism amongst witnesses is the lack of a sense of urgency or responsibility/accountability to their local elders and congregation.

    This is the beginning of free thinking and subliminal rebellion of the conscience. As time progresses, these hidden traits will manifest themselves more as individuals face crucial decision making crossroads in life.

    For example, do I allow children to particpate in sports? Should I vote? Will I support the current US military action? Should I continue reporting field service time? Do I really need human (elders) approval to make personal or family decisions in my life?

  • DIM

    I'm at work, but if i recall, it talks about Job's kids celebrating their "own day" or something along those lines.

  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    *******************How do they admit to themselves that it was all for nothing?**************


    Can't imagine what that would be like. It's the saddest prospect of all.


    Very interesting thread

    minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.

  • Grout

    I don't like having been deceived. But I didn't really see a choice for myself. I'm not good at lying, even to myself; once I realized that the emperor had no clothes, the die was cast. I was out.

    'Course, most of my family had preceded me in departing. So once I found that my wife wanted us to stay together (yeah!!!!!!), the rest was relatively easy....

  • Englishman

    Utopian Reformist,

    I think that you may well be on to something here. Some JW's are making it plain that they are no longer seeking approval from anyone, and that includes the elders. Seems to me that this is the start of self-esteem, something which is beyond price IMHO.

    Take a peek at WOL to see how submissive some dubs still are though.


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • Billygoat


    I only hope that these comments are true and precise to the majority of JWs. I have two 19 year-old pioneer brothers that I worry about constantly. I have a feeling that at least one of them is doing stuff that Mom and Dad don't appreciate or even know about. But to me, that's just typical 19 year-old stuff - hiding from M & D. I just hate the idea of them going through what I went through to get out of The Tower. It hurts my heart to even think about it!


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Salve Britanicus Magnum!

    Thx for the tip. I did check out WOL and it is a sad and painful attempt at self gratification and self preservation. You're also right about the self-esteem issues.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist


    Perhaps your name correctly fits your capacity of retention and comprehension. I AGREED that a day was mentioned, and that each of the children celebrated a day.

    What has NOT been determined is the significance of the particular day chosen by JOB's children, correct?

    Have you considered they could have chosen days of the full moon, or perhaps the first or last day of the month? What it if was their hunting day or fishing day or farming day or harvest day?

    Are you assimilating? I am not against birthday celebrations and believe they are purley a matter of personal choice and conscience. However, you are again stretching the texts in question.


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