I gotta wonder if a lot of you guys in Europe are rather ahead
of us in regard to Witness congregations suffering a decline of
What I do see is a fantastic amount of marriage/family decay.
Every month brings some new shock in our local congregation
or friends we know. Somebody posted an experience a while back
about elders looking for a family with wife at home and husband
and kids doing well for a circuit assembly example on stage.
Apparently, they couldn't find anyone.
I don't want to sound cruel but it's hard to articulate any
other way. Most loyal Witnesses I know are losers - bad jobs,
poor education, crummy social skills, horrid family life,
you name it. I feel sorry for them but enlightenment isn't
easy. Whenever you point out their predicament, they will
usually compare themselves to 'worldly' people in worse shape
than themselves - rather than a better (and more prosperous)
social class. --- stuck in a mental prison of their own making.