Who here believes in Creation, yet believes in the Fossil records??

by Lady Liberty 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Well, yes and no.

    Try to get a JW to explore ideas about the subject and they flee in terror. JW's are allowed no personal ideas. The Watchtower cannot make definitive statements about dinosaurs without damaging themselves. So, the rank and file member simply has to have a blank spot in their mind on this subject.

    This is like holding up garlic to a vampire.

    Try it and then see if you don't change your mind. What a person refuses to even THINK about does not (for all practical purposes) EXIST for them.

    Dear Terry,

    You hit the nail on the head. This has been exactly my experience.


    Lady Liberty

  • Terry

    The entire subject comes down to one thing: intellectual honesty.

    Only an honest thinker is willing to be wrong.

    JW's cannot allow themselves to be wrong. They allow only one source. They have been cut off from fair discussion.

    JW's are in permanent rebuttal mode. Nothing can get through to them because, while you are talking to them they are not listening; they are forming their rebuttal in advance.

  • Quandry

    Wasn't there a picture in one of the publications of the flood, and in the water is something that looks like the head of a dinosaur sticking out? Does anyone remember this or am I loony?

    I am sure I saw this-just can't remember which book. This suggests that the WTS thinks that maybe dinosaurs were still present on earth at the time of the flood-just a few thousand years ago-at which time they became extict.

    To reiterate the current teaching of the WTS, though, they do not say that the entire planet was created in seven days-they claim that the planet itself is billions of years old, but the beginning of life on earth-vegetable and animal-theCREATIVE DAYS were each 7,000 years long. That is why they say we are in the time of the end now-that the last creative day began after the creation of Eve, then he rested, and ends with the 1,000 year reign of Christ.

    This is why they claim that all life on earth is only 49,000 years old, and have difficulty with explaining the miriad types of dinosaurs in the fossil record. They have to admit they existed, but refuse to say that they were here millions of years ago becuse of their "present understanding" and so don't go there with explanations.

    Again-anyone know where to find the picture?

  • Abaddon

    Suzie Q

    My mother thinks everything was created by Jehovah and the dinosaurs were created to give us petroleum products!

    What a ridiculous belief; it's just made up nonense with nothing to prove it.

    All of these prehistoric animals could've been an extension of rivalries between spirit beings/siblings - one creates a TRex and the other then tries to outdo that creation by making a Brontasaur (sp?).

    What a ridiculous belief; it's just made up nonense with nothing to prove it.

    Suzie, you can believe what the hell you like, but why give your mum a hard time when you make equally silly statements?

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