Do you remember this saying...?

by Flowerpetal 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Describe what the "worst" jw would be like?

    Describe why non-jws who live or follow Christ's way of living are better than any hypocritcal jw that hides behind their baptism as a jw not as a Christian.

    (Matthew 23:1-3)

    Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, saying: 2 "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses. 3 Therefore all the things they tell YOU (according to the scriptures), do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but do not perform.

    Non-jws who do not acknowledge the authority of the WTS/FDS/GB to represent God that's why they will die, die, die forever at Armageddon--just reporting not supporting.


  • magoo

    ......not to get off subject....but...... i like your new avatar blondie....


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I've heard as much.

    What a total crock of S#!*

  • exwitless

    Actually, I remember hearing the counsel that just because someone is a JW doesn't automatically make them a "good association". Of course worldly people were still far worse than even a "weak" JW. But I remember feeling paranoid when I heard this, because we were already stripped of our "worldly" associations; now we were being told to be careful even with JWs. I think they would have liked it if none of us had any real friends at all. (This actually became the case for Little Drummer Boy and I.)

  • RollerDave

    OMG, I remember hearing this one!

    (ninja, you so bad! lol)

    Talk about an irrational belief based on skewed reasoning!

    Just like in a he said/she said, if one has been dunked, and the other not, the one with the watermark is speaking truth, the other is either lying, wrong, or naive.

    I've seen it time and again.

    There is a hard, sharp line between "us" and "them", with a small lobby to act as a holding pen for the DF'ed that they might let back in. On the worldly side of that line, everybody is guilty of the acts of the worst among them, but on the dub side, a person's worthlessness is individually decided based on how much they aren't doing.

    As long as that foolish line is the arbitrary standard of value, you will have vanity like the statement quoted by the original poster, silliness like the one I mentioned, dangerous life wrecking concepts like 'marriageability means being theocratic" and more!

    That's the natural consequence of mortgaging your conscience out to people you do not know.


  • Numinous

    There has to be a strict division between US and THEM to separate the good and the bad in the org. There should be no involvement at all with the worldly because if you love them, or even like them, there may be some resentment towards Jehovah's plans in their destruction. My favorite visual was at an assembly where the speaker said all worldly people should be considered dead right now...fall in love with one, kiss him, and it will be just like kissing a corpse...sometimes the things they say are so crazy it works against them eventually.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I remember a talk about worldly association, and the elder made the comment that many jw's say that there are worldly people who are just as good as witness, being honest, caring, and outgoing. He did not deny this but used the metaphor asking if you would rather eat a piece of cake that had been floating in the sewer, or a piece of bread that had been kept in a cupboard. I remember the girl behind me whispered loudly "the sewer!" lol

  • Flowerpetal
    This bothered me alot about the religion, so many good non-JW people, yet they were all considered bad association...stupidity.


    My favorite visual was at an assembly where the speaker said all worldly people should be considered dead right now...fall in love with one, kiss him, and it will be just like kissing a corpse...sometimes the things they say are so crazy it works against them eventually.

    I remember something similar to this as well. I also remember an analogy about a young woman who fell in love with a guy to the point where they were going to get married, and on her wedding night she discovered he had leprosy. "Imagine her heartbreak!" they said. Point being, no matter how wonderful a worldy person "seems", they are spiritual lepers and to be avoided. EXACTLY, Blondie!

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    What I remember the most is the standard for friends my parents had. No matter how good a person they were it was always the same question "Yes, but do they love Jehovah?"


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