Do you remember this saying...?

by Flowerpetal 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Flowerpetal

    regarding worldly associations:

    "The worst JW in the org. is better than the best person in the world.."

  • R.F.

    I haven't heard that exactly word for word but i've sure heard the concept alot.

    Too, you can see that just by messed up JW logic on associations, that NO ONE is good enough for you to be around unless they're JW.

  • ninja

    I also remember the saying.."a bird in the hand....shits on your wrist"

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Yeah Thats one of there best indoctrination phrases. Ninja you stupid.LOL

  • ninja

    one good turn....gets all the bedcovers

  • AlphaOmega
    I also remember the saying.."a bird in the hand....shits on your wrist"

  • eclipse
    one good turn....gets all the bedcovers

    hahaha, awesome! loved that one ninja. As for the JW saying? I thought they looked at the worst JW with contempt and disdain, never inviting the ''weak'' one to social gatherings, since there were not deemed good association... This bothered me alot about the religion, so many good non-JW people, yet they were all considered bad association...stupidity.

  • magoo

    ....was always told no matter how good a "worldly person" was they would NOT make it thru the big A......


  • Gopher

    One time at a circuit assembly, I heard this said on stage (either by the circuit or district oversser):

    "People may object to the idea of Armageddon, saying there's so many nice, good-looking people in this world. Well when Armageddon comes, there'll be a heap of good looking bones."

    The audience laughed nervously.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    The main situation where they used this was when you wanted to hang or associate with someone not a dub. You would use the reasoning 'their just as good as the witnesses' Than the parent or elder would come back with this phrase to shoot down that thought. Control at its best. They are masters at pre-emptive strikes.

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