In the early 60's my family would pack up the Chevy Belair stationwagon and travel east from California to Georgia to visit relatives. 2 Adults and 4 children. We never stopped at motels and would stop at a small town at a local park and have lunch. Well, anyway were at a small park at a small southern town having our picnic lunch when I had to go to the bathroom. Being about 6 years old I headed to the bathrooms at the center of the park. Just a little building actually with men on oneside and women on the other... I walked up to the bathrooms and there sitting in front was a police pattywagon with a policeman standing with his back to the entrance. I walked right past him, being so small he didn't even see me. I walked in and there standing at the urinal was a prisoner, black and white striped uniform with a BALL AND CHAIN attached to his leg. I stood there gripped in fear and stunned. He looked at me and said, "It's ok come on in" I bolted out as fast as I could and still the policeman did not see me leave. Interesting thing I did not tell my Mother about this for another 30 years...
The Weirdest thing that has ever happened to you...
by zeroday 19 Replies latest jw friends
I was riding down the road on my motorcycle and a car coming at me turned in front of me. Latter he said he didnt see me. I was going 35mph. I thought this is how I am going to die. My options were a telephone pole or to put the bike down. I instantaneously new if I put the bike down and slid into the car at 35mph that it would kill me as would the telephone pole. The night before I read in an easy riders magazine how bikers were dying unnecessrily from teeboning cars. I remembered it said at the point of impact to jump up. I did and jumped over the car and landed on my feet about 25 feet from the accident. It wrecked my Harley and the front of the fellows accura. This happened in front of the headquarters of the Church of Scientology. They thought I was some kind of enlightened leader who was totally clear or from another planet. Thats what they told me. They ushered me thru their headquarters to see all sorts of people. I kept telling them I didnt have anything to do with scientology. For about a year afterwords when I would eat in restaurants in downtown Clearwater Scientologist would come up and tell my wife about my ability to levitate and fly. The police and Fire department wanted to baker act me to get me to the hospital. But I told them I was fine and if they did... anyways they didnt. In hind site I should have gone to the hospital but that's another story. I still had a lot of JW stupid honesty in me. I could have been retired for life. The fellow had a private pilots sticker on his windshield. Living in Clearwater, I would think he had a million dollar insurance policy.
They gave me a nice bit of cash for my inconvenience, but I didnt file any medical claim because I was an honest, stupid person.
At the point of impact time stood still and the best I can remember it was like I was besides myself looking at myself fly through the air and land on my feet. I was like Kenau Reeves in the Matrix slowly flying through the air. Some people told me it wasnt my time to die yet. I had been going through a spiritual awakening program and dayly spent time with my higer power. Who I have since wandered away from. But you asked for the weirdest thing and thats mine.
horrible life
20 years ago. I was driving home from work, at 1:00 AM. A vehicle was following me very close. I thought it might be a policeman. I turned down the street to my house. I lived in the middle of a very long street, with no connecting streets. The car turned also. I pulled into my driveway. The car went past, and it was an old truck. It was blue with red splotches on it.
I got out of my car, and the truck started backing up. I put my purse, and one leg back in my car. I had a bad feeling. He then blocked me in, and started getting out. I said "WHAT"! He said something nasty, and I hopped back in my car and locked the doors. My car was a very small 2 seater.
He came up to my window, and unzipped his pants, and took "IT" out, and was doing you know what with it. I honked my horn, over and over. He didn't seemed phased by it. My little car went "beep, beep". He finally got back in his truck, and when I saw that it was far enough away, I ran into my house. My roommate was watching TV. Didn't even hear me.
The police came, and took a statement. I told them that the truck was more blue than red. But they were already looking for a truck that was more red than blue. Was I sure?? YES.
Couple of hours later, the police called. Wanted me to come to an area 2 miles away. they had got the guy. His truck was more blue on one side, and more red on the other. They were primer spots. The police were already on alert, and many more were in the area, because of me, The guy felt a little braver after me, or a little hornier. This time he followed a girl home, and chased her up to her door, and tried to get in. When she called the police, they zeroed in on him.
He pled guilty, I didn't have to go to court. Don't know his punishment. Have always wished I had been packing a gun. oooops
knock knock
When I was about 5 I was abducted by these strange aliens. Seriously. They looked normal but they weren't ya know. They made us go to these "meetings" all the time but like I never really "met" anyone butcept for more aliens. We were supposed to tell others how great the aliens were but I never did. I always tried to keep it a secret. We even had to go up to strangers houses and try to get them to come to our "meetings" but almost no one ever did. Wierdest thing though, I found this website and I swear it's like most of you have been among the aliens at some time too! Wierd huh?
keyser soze
You too Knock knock? Did you see the mother ship that landed in Brooklyn?
It seems like when something happens, I'm more often the happener than the happenee, so I've observed quite a few other people having strange experiences. When I worked in the bakery they had a delicatessen kitchen and I'd mix a few raw eggs in the boiled in the shell egg pan in the cooler. The cook would just freak out.
The other thing I did was when the head baker fell asleep at the dinner table, I'd tie one of his shoe strings to the chair leg. -
knock knock
Not personally but they use to show us "slide shows" with photos of the mother ship. They disguised it pretty well making it look like a block of old buildings. Whod'a thought.
knock knock
ok, for real now. One time I flipped this coin and it came down and landed on it's edge. Yeah, the floor was carpeted but not big shag and still pretty cool right? Now the freaky part...that night I was watching The Twilight Zone and this particular episode was of a man flipping a coin and it lands on edge. THAT was wierd.
Years ago I was driving my mother from California to Wyoming, in a red Ford. I noticed in Colorado that every time we passed a police car, they looked at us intently. After dark, way the heck out in the middle of nowhere in Colorado I passed a police car by the side of the road. In a couple of minutes I saw headlights coming toward me at high speed from both the front and rear of the car. I stopped, the police cars pinned my car in for and aft, and the officers jumped out and pointed all sorts of guns at us. Scared me and my mother to death. Then they came closer and looked at us and started laughing, and asked for our ID. They were looking for an escaped convict driving a red Ford with California plates. The rest of the night every police car we passed followed us for a ways while checking on our license plate.
Second weirdest thing that ever happend. I was crossing the Potomic River, on the bridge. My wife and I were visiting Washington. She was video taping the bridge and the river and whatever else, the traffic came to a stop and she ends up videoing a man jumping out of his car and pulling a gun out of his waste a threatning another man who then took off through the traffic jam. Then he runs back to his car and sees my wife videotapping and he chases us all over Washington for 20 minutes. He would be at the corner of an intersection and we would at the other corner. I was on thanksgiving break from the police accademy and was carrying a gun. This was 91, at that time you could not carry a gun from Florida to Washington D.C. without being in big trouble. I was very hessitant to flag down a cop and at the same time never really saw one to flag down. I had my gun in my lap and told my wife if he starts shooting I'm going to go down shooting back. We finally gave him the slip. Found a cop. The cop didnt do anything. I should have known that, I was in the Tampa police academy.
On the same trip the day before coming through Macon Georgia, I saw a motorcade followed it to an old AfroAmerican church. And inquired who was in the church. The man from the secret service said Al Gore. He is running for vice president. So I hung around for 15 minutes and he came out and shook my hand and let my wife video tape him. And he said hello to my wifes mother who was back in Florida on the video.