Power....all those years of being told that power corrputed those people in the "world" and ultimately it is what THEY (the GB) were after-power....retarded....(shudder) so glad I am out of that....sad that so many still profess belief....
by Gill 13 Replies latest jw experiences
Power....all those years of being told that power corrputed those people in the "world" and ultimately it is what THEY (the GB) were after-power....retarded....(shudder) so glad I am out of that....sad that so many still profess belief....
Personally, I think it has more to do with not wanting to admit THEY WERE WRONG.
That's just my opinion.
WANTED: Senior Citizens. Great worldwide employment opportunity. Good pay, lifetime security and benefits. Must be able to delegate work load. Manage thousands of loyal employees who do not question decisions or authority. Meet with the rest of the Governing Board members, cast your vote and retire to your luxury condo in NYC.
I would also add control to the mix. Having control of millions of people is a Power trip. You begin to think of yourself in a God mentality. They even believe their own BS. They are the mouthpiece of God etc. It is more then sickening...it is criminal.