There is a slight way to manipulate which elders you deal with. Most publisher know how to do it.
When you have a problem, you call Brother 1st Favorite and ask if you can speak to him and Brother 2nd Favorite.
If Brother Least Favorite and anyone else have already been trying to speak to you, you need to brush them off
saying you are busy. So you control what two elders speak with you about a matter. They might try to take the
control away, but you seize it back. Call Brother 2nd Favorite shortly after, telling him that you want to speak to
him, and you already mentioned it to Brother 1st Favorite.
NOW- if you spoke about something that requires judicial actions, you already spoke to two that you would like to
have on the committee. Most congregations would put Brother 1st and 2nd Favorite on the committee (probably greater
than 75% would just automatically do it.) The third brother, that's tricky. The best way I have seen is to only try to
remove the third brother if he is your total worst choice. When they put Brother Least Favorite on the committee, you
have to either say that you and he have had some dealings in the past, making you uncomfortable with using him, or you
have to just say, "Can you remove Brother Least Favorite? He's never given me a fair shake." This is not as hard as it
seems. Most bodies cooperate with that, but many will not. It backfires if they do not cooperate. If they refuse, say "Now
that he knows what I said, I cannot get fair treatment from him, so why should I show up?" That will usually get him off the
committee. If there is any better excuse like, "He dated my sister" or "I work for the same boss" or "We are such good
pals because I am at his bookstudy or volunteer to work with him at conventions" use that excuse first.
Regardless of who replaces Brother Least Favorite, live with that replacement. If he isn't on the original committee, don't
take a chance of replacing anyone for fear that he will be next in line.
Many publishers do this, and I have always said that I would do it. I would speak out against one brother if he were
my least favorite, and roll the dice for a better one. The JC shouldn't be biased against you for requesting a different
Running to another hall for your favorites NEVER works.