Why do JWs act as if their poop don't stink. They walk about as if they are better than the rest of mankind. If only they would take the veil from over their eyes.
Snooty Jws
by Blindbutnowisee 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals
because it's pounded into their "brains" for lack of a better term, that they are god's chosen people. many of us were snooty a-holes at one time.
It's funny for a religion that preaches all about humility they are nowhere near humble.
when i was a teenager, there was an airline flying called TWA.
that was our code word for Typical Witness Asshole.
passive suicide
Speak for yourselves!!!!!!!!!!! My poop still don't stink..........at least not too much......wait a minute.I think it's time for a R.B.T...(random butt wipe)......
Of course, you realize that jws are taught that some jws are more special than others, and God's blessing focuses on them directly and indirectly on any other people who associate with them. The terms the WTS uses is "anointed, remnant, 144,000, little flock" for the first, and "companions, associates, great crowd, other sheep" for the second group.
On another thread someone said they heard it said by a jw that the worst jw is better than the best non-jw.
Actually, it is a cult characteristic.
Eric Hoffer's book The True Believer at least partially explains this behavior. JW's believe they are a part of something so super special, so much larger than the individual, that the result is the appearance of total arrogance.
In fact, most JW's are insecure and unhappy, with very low self-esteem. It is not themselves they are "snooty" about; it is the belief that they are part of the chosen of God. So sad......
They came to believe that they are so spiritual and better than anyone else they forgot that they have an animal like human body that has many base functions. Of course the grace of their spiritual state is not as good as they think and the average JW is not really much better than the average non JW.
Sheer arrogance and the most irritating feature of JWs.
Typical was Ted Jaracz and the way he treated the lady reporter who wished to interview him about the child abuse allegations. He was an arrogant asshole and that came over just fine on the TV!
Their arrogance stretches to feeling they do not need to answer any accusations, consider anyone elses viewpoint, or read anyone elses literature despite expecting everyone else to read theirs.
Their ultimate arrogance is their honest belief that the rest of us are bird food but of course NOT THEM if they sit at enough meetings, spend enough hours standing outside empty houses knocking on doors and study WT literature!
I have to say, my one redeeming feature when I was a JW, an I still remember looking out of my bedroom window and watching people go by, was 'why should a bad person like me survive at Armageddon, when there are millions of people who are far better than me out there who will die?'
I think that is why I might be here now rather than still a JW. I already knew that other people were far better than the JWs and was ashamed of their zeal for the blood of the rest of the world!
The last time I heard my mother on this topic, she was spouting about 'They (meaning everyone else claiming to be christian) THINK they know the Bible but only WE know the Bible and the Truth!' Still had to hold the urge to smack her round the head!
JWs WANT to believe they are better than everyone else, and THAT is their ultimate downfall!
Sad emo
There are a lot of people who aren't JW's who act like that too - even 'regular' Christians - pun intended.