Danny - I don't think I've ever been so turned on. What PASSION !
by DannyHaszard 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Danny's ground zero
Danny Haszard made +300 links on The K-Hall that abused my family demonized KINGDOM HALL of JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ROCKLAND MASSACHUSETTS
This is my ground zero the watchtower HQ in Brooklyn has received about a dozen certified letters,registered letters,western union telegrams since 1992 demanding justice on my case against this wicked congregation they have ignored me.
Sooooo, I now have 100,000 disgruntled pages up and will never stop
Watchtower hacks you must look up this scripture > Ephesian 4:26 Paul's dire warning "Do not let the sun set with you in a provoked state" The appeal committee elders jeered me the night I quoted this scripture to them and vowed retribution.
Keep kicking their asses, Danny!
Revenge is sweet, and exposing the truth about a person or an organization takes time and determination. But it must be good to know you're not on your own and have an enthusiastic army behing you cheering you on this time and NOT jeering!
Three times a week is more accurate.
Four or Five times is more accurate ;)
Also inaccurate. I spent about 70% of my serviceâ„¢ time working alone. Was I the demon or trainee? Or maybe both? Unless a person is a new publisherâ„¢, there is no "trainee". JWs work in pairs because they hate the "preaching work", and the peer pressure keeps them doing it.
i think you misunderstood the text. the demon isnt another JW but an fallen angel guiding him. Just as much as JWs believe angels are following them in service and guiding them.
i do agree with you that most JWs wouldnt read the article further than one or two sentences. its way too heavy and not properly researched. and its to critical. JWs dont like critics from the outside. they need to find critics in their own mind
It's madness.
" i do agree with you that most JWs wouldnt read the article further than one or two sentences. its way too heavy and not properly researched. and its to critical."
it doesn't matter that JWs wouldn't read the article, the article is short enough and nutty enough that it just may make a "house-holder" think twice before he or she gets to the zombie-like state of a full-fledged JW ! And "not properly researched," most JWs I've encountered have no idea if what they preach has been "properly researched." JWs just repeat what gets fed into their heads at three meetings a week and then reinforced with studying WTS publications at home, preparing for meetings, listening to WTS tapes in the car, on and on, and on........... ...............
house-holder?! are witnesses still propped up in theocratic ministry school in order to learn proper techniques to recruit? same tactics used by "outside sales" trainers in corporations...................
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/137176/1.ashx discussion here at JWD False impression Cherry Hill Courier Post, NJ - 1 hour ago
The public needed to know the whole truth about Jehovah's Witnesses and see how they really affect families. Hopefully, readers will not be deceived by the ... Post Comment
Saturday, June 30, 2007 Re: "Jehovah's Witnesses hope to debunk myths about their faith" (C-P, June 9). My family trusts the Courier-Post's normally excellent reporting, so the article troubled us. This completely one-sided story gives the false impression that this "religion" is somehow benevolent but misunderstood. Unfortunately, the reporter didn't talk to a single former member who escaped from the Watchtower or interview any families who lost members to this cult. And there was no mention of the Witness's many controversial practices or their own child sexual abuse scandal. Like the wolf in sheep's clothing, the Witnesses the Witnesses disguise themselves as a Christian group in order to seem legitimate. In reality, they're an authoritarian cult. The Watchtower employs unethical and coercive tactics to recruit new members and maintain control of those who think independently or try to leave. It's heartbreaking to slowly lose a loved one as the Watchtower manipulates him or her into shunning you. So it's no surprise the International Cultic Studies Association identifies the Witnesses as a cult. A Google search reveals many more organizations devoted to exposing the Watchtower or providing support for former members and families of current ones. There are hardly any pro-Witness sites besides the two "authorized" ones operated by the Watchtower itself. The Courier-Post covers most stories thoroughly, but dropped the ball this time. The public needed to know the whole truth about Jehovah's Witnesses and see how they really affect families. Hopefully, readers will not be deceived by the Watchtower's well-polished propaganda. DAVID SPEENEY Bellmawr -
Lady Liberty
HOLY COW!!!!!!!!! I am sure that will have alot of JWs nervous to go out in the ministry in that area!!
Thanks Danny!!
Lady Liberty
Danny..Cool thread..Over the top though,describing a JW as a demon..How about:"A mindless twit training a mindless twit."..LOL!!..Everything else is acurrate...OUTLAW
These are tools that Satan uses with lies, trickery and deceit to get you to feel comfortable with their message. Once they accomplish this, they have gotten you to accept the devil for comfort for your emotions.
Am I supposed to praise a "newspaper" article that writes stuff like this? It's just assured me that no rational person reads that rag in the first place.