>>1. According to the Bible, God did not use any supernatural means in building the Ark.<<
Well, it seems he would have if He communicated the very design of the thing to Noah. I have come to the simple conclusion that everything God does is supernatural. Even dealing with man is supernatural. OK? And yes I get it.
>>Therefore, it is not logical to assume He used any supernatural means to preserve Noah and the animals while on the Ark.<<
God is supernatural. The flood is supernatural.
>>2. The logistics of 8 people tending to thousands of animals is beyond reason.<<
It's called supernatural. Remember?
>>3. The logistics of putting thousands of animals, along with food and water on the Ark is beyond reason.<<
Supernatural. When things go beyond reason, like people being raised from the dead, going 40 days without food and water and everything else that defies nature, would certainly be classified as supernatural. That is God.
>>4. We could not do today, even with our technology, what Noah supposedly did 5,000 years ago.<<
So, you wanna be like God? Maybe you should try creating a heavens and earth first. After all, that was the first thing in the Bible that defies logic from God. How do you create something out of nothing???
>>5. Therefore, the whole account does not stand to logical reason.<<
With your logic, neither does God.
>>6. Therefore, the whole "Noah's Ark thing" is fable; myth; a crock of shit.<<
Yeah, get right down to the sewer words. You have great posting demeanor.
>>7. Therefore, the Bible as a whole cannot be trusted.<<
No, you cannot be trusted.
>>8. Therefore, the God of the Bible cannot be trusted.<<
See my answer above.
>>Any questions? (I hope not. This discussion with you is fruitless.)<<
Why should I ask you questions? You have no answers. Fruitless?? What were you trying to grow here, a new kind of pomegranate?