>>The issue about the flood that I find so interesting is that supposedly all the animals were herbivores before the flood.<<
I personally don't believe they were.
>>Ok, we won't bother to ask why some had serious fangs, claws and talons.<<
Which is why I believe there were created predators. Good evidence is good evidence.
>>For some mysterious reason, after the flood, biblegod decrees that now many animals are carnivores.<<
Where in the Bible does it say that? I missed this part.
>>Um, what? So now that there are only two (or seven???) of each kind of animal they can hunt, kill and eat each other?<<
The physical evidence suggests they always did from their creation. It was only man enlightened by God to become a predator.
>>Why would they become carnivores by design only after there are supposedly so few of them? Wouldn't pretty much all of them but the highest on the food chain be extinct in a very short time? That sounds so absurd to me. Yet those who believe such things consider those who do not to be "unenlightened". What up with that?<<
I don't believe such things. But I do have to believe their predatory instinct program must have been altered to allow predator and victim to live side by side in the ark together.
Yeah, I know, another one of those goofy unannounced miracles by God.