Mind Freak with Criss Angels.......

by FreedomFrog 22 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Leolaia

    Criss Angel is sooooooooooooooooooo hot!!!!

  • FreedomFrog
    Wouldn't it be great to be visiting Vegas and get picked on the street to appear in one of his illusions ...I can fantasize

    You and me BOTH!!!! I thought the SAME thing too. I haven't fallen in love with a "star" in a long time. I think the last time was with Richard Marx (the singer for those who don't know). I was about 15 when I fell in love with him. Now Criss is my new love!!!!!

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Every one of his tricks are on the net and explained. He hires people to cooperate in his little gig and actors to pretend they are astonished and never met him before.. Non the less he is quite the performer. I prefer to see his magic than Blaines but I like Blaines pushing the limits of physical endurance and escapes better.

  • FreedomFrog

    Here's another picture of the HOTTIE Criss!!!!


  • FreedomFrog
    I can do the Blain hovering thing to friends, and they freak out, until you show how it's done.

    Oh, BTW..gonna share the little stunt??? I'd LOVE to be able to pull that one off.

    My son and I watch Criss and Zach is trying to "relax his muscles" so he can levitate like Criss does. Now I've told my son that it is more than likely a "trick" but Zach is insistant on learning the "trick".

  • FreedomFrog

    Oh...and I do NOT look like the goth chick as I did before. I've change several times in between. I was trying to "find" myself. Still searching.

  • NotaNess

    They revealed the hovering on another show on prime time one night.

    Blain turns his back to the spectators, feet tight together, concentrates, and then he is seen raising up about a few inches off the ground. for a few seconds.

    This is done by being just slightly at an angle with back toward the people watching you. Pretend to concentrate, then with the ONE foot that has the front of the foot out of sight, lift your body up on that front part of the the foot slowly. Your other foot WILL completely be raised off the ground. It will appear that both of your feet have left the ground.

    No autograph signing, sorry!

  • FreedomFrog
    This is done by being just slightly at an angle with back toward the people watching you.

    Ok, Criss did it facing the audience...I'm going to have to try this and see if it works...I so can freak people out.

  • Mysterious

    Doesn't explain how Criss Angel levitates though. He raises too far off the ground for it to work with the David Blaine trick.

  • FreedomFrog
    He raises too far off the ground for it to work with the David Blaine trick

    See, I agree too. He hovers about 2-3 feet (maybe a bit higher) in one show

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