Mind Freak with Criss Angels.......

by FreedomFrog 22 Replies latest social entertainment

  • mrsjones5

    You know what really turns me on about Cris Angel? That little tiny lisp he has. Last season he spoke sexy to a girl he use for a trick and I nearly wet my pants!

    But the thing is my kids love to watch him too so I have to control myself.


  • snarf

    love him...he is hot!!!!!

  • Leolaia

    I think Angel relies more on camera tricks and props than Blaine. There was one episode where he had this amazing trick where he stuck his arm through a guy's back and it came out through the chest. But a few minutes of googling took me to a magic prop website where they were selling the gear for like $600 that would enable you to do this very same trick.

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