How open-minded are you since leaving Jehovah's Witnesses?
by nvrgnbk 40 Replies latest jw friends
I am in some ways more open minded with regards to issues regarding sexuality and morals
Less open minded with regards to religion especially when it directly conflicts with science
I find it easier to be more flexible with going in and out of opening and closing my mind since leaving
I see people as people not what they are suppose to believe that may be different to a paticular religion. By the grace of God there go I.
My mind was shut.
Cognitive dissonance.
It was like being submerged 3000 feet under water, where it is dark, and cold, with an intense pressure, I can't move very fast...
what I didn't realize was that all I had to do to relieve myself of this cold dark pressure was to swim up. I was told not to. I was told that unspeakable harm would come apon me if I didn't stay.
But I chose to listen to my instincts - and they were telling me something was WRONG.
So I started my ascent...towards the gradual light, the pressure started releasing it's hold on me...and the farther I swam up, the faster I could swim, the darkness was being replaced with more sunlight, I was feeling warm water, instead of cold, I was feeling FREE...
and then
I broke the surface to freedom!
and I saw the world for what it really was....
My eyes could see, my hears could hear, and my body could feel the warm air, the peaceful sky, and the gentle rocking of the waves....
they don't hold me anylonger, I swim freely now, as all people should.
If you've seen the fallacy of the Bible, what now?
A whole new world has opened up to me. I am MUCH more open minded. But, I guess you Have to be a little open minded to begin with to leave in the first place.
I left long ago so all these transformative changes occured back in the late eighties. I believe in open debate anyone having an idea should be given a chance to argue it out unlike what happens in the WTS with the FDS doctrine and their untouchable status, their ideas can't be criticised.
It is pretty much an open attitude of live and let live. As for sexual issues I believe in a high moral code rather than going along with the currents of the instincts every time but I don't criticise anyone for any of their sexual activities controlling them is very difficult under the current situation.
controlling them is very difficult under the current situation
Sounds like the pressure is building my friend.