I now believe everyone has the right to believe whatever they want, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others to do the same. Since I left the dubs, I've learnt that just because someone doesn't agree with you, it doesn't make them a bad person.
How open-minded are you since leaving Jehovah's Witnesses?
by nvrgnbk 40 Replies latest jw friends
When I was a Watchtower Slave I was credulous. I had the tendency to believe everything that they told us too readily. I suffered from credulity.
Now, I am open-minded but not so easily gullible. My open-mindedness means that I am now open to new ideas free from prejudice or bias.
I still remain what I call, a member of "The Doubting Thomas Class". The Sriptures tell us that Thomas was rewarded with a personal visit from Jesus when he strongly expressed his doubts, he was not punished. Doubting has it's rewards. Evidence removes doubt.
So, NVR, I am open-minded yet not gullible and still remain doubtful, unsettled in some opinions and beliefs. In this I currently remain.
Open mind
A closed mind is a safe mind.
Damn it, where'd I put those blinders?!?
Open Mind
Very open minded, I tend to accept people for who they are. I don't judge anyone as I don't like to be judged!
That was wonderful.
My I use it to share with others?
My honey says that I'm still a very judgemental person; personally, I think I've become far less so than I was.
I do find myself being very impatient with Christians, though, and with their beliefs. I have to remind myself that they have as much right to their faith as I do to mine, and I force myself not to be rude to them. It's something I'm working on.
After 21 years of being so repressed and told how to think and what to do, it feels so good to make my own choices.
I still walk the high moral ground, but not puritanical in all my thoughts. LOL
I am not quick to judge others and feel they have the right to make their own choices w/o me denouncing them. As long as they are not hurting someone or committing a crime.
I respect others' religious beliefs even though I personally have no place in my life for organized religion. Spirituality - that is completely different. To me that's important.
So open minded, that my brain fell out, not once, but twice!
So open minded, that my brain fell out, not once, but twice!
that explains it ;-)