by Mary 105 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Mariusuk.

    Nope no cure

    They could not resist the huge amount of money they would rake in by releasing it if they had

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    And so says Terry - the self proclaimed genius. God I get tired of the constant rhetoric in which he must publicly worship his ever changing God of Science.



  • brinjen

    So what does a person do when they're told by their doctor that there is no more treatment availible for them? As I've said before, they were the majority of his patients. As I also keep saying, Dr Holt never gave them false hopes by telling them he would cure them. The patients just found themselves in remission with doctors baffled as to how they were still not only alive, but tests finding them in quite good health.

    As Mary pointed out, different people respond to different treatments.

  • ex-nj-jw
    They play a similar trick with cholesterol and its supposed connection to heart disease, what they define as elevated cholesterol levels are in fact normal but they make a fortune out of the drugs they sell to lower them. It's the cholesterol myth

    Absolutely incorrect, studies have shown that lower cholesterol levels are very important to combat heart disease!! The numbers were recently reduced as a result of these studies. Not a myth at all.


  • brinjen

    I'll share my experience. I have a condition known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. There is one conventional form of treatment for this condition. I tried it, used this treatment for more than three years, helped a little but I felt the small gain wasn't worth the side effects which includes weight gain, fatigue and potential liver damage.

    So I tried one of the natropath treatments. Took longer to see any results but I've found them to be far more effective. No weight gain or fatigue either.

    No one is saying we must abandon all conventional treatments in favour of holistic. As both Jeff & Mary have pointed out, there needs to be a balance of both and it continues to baffle me how anyone who is willing to consider this is labelled a crackpot.

  • Jim_TX


    I am sorry that you got cancer. I am very happy that you are a survivor.

    "Do you think the scientists, doctors and pharmeceutical companies know of a cure for cancer that they're not telling us?"

    Yes, I do. I remember as a kid my mom talking about a fella... and my grandad using a formula for a cancer cure. He was a heavy smoker, had contracted cancer - and started using this 'cure'. I was very young, and so do not remember many details other than my grandad started coughing up big blackish chunks. But - like many men - he decided to not continue taking the 'cure'. (Men can be worse than babies when it comes to things like this.) His health soon deteriorated, and he passed away. This was in the late '50s or early 60's.

    Have you heard of a man called 'Harry Hoxley'? (Sometimes also called 'Hoxsey', I believe)

    Here is a snippet I got from a web site...

    "...last night I watched a DVD entitled “Hoxsey,” which was a documentary about Harry Hoxley who, in the 1920’s, claimed to have an herbal cure for cancer. He was arrested hundreds of times, was persecuted by the American Medical Association (AMA), and was basically run out of town (and into Mexico) with his “snake oil.” Did the cure really work? Yes. Did the AMA have evidence to substantiate Hoxsey’s claim? Yes. But according to the documentary, all of Hoxsey’s troubles began when he rescinded his offer to sell the formula to the head honchos of the AMA because they wouldn’t agree to the condition that no one could be refused the medicine, regardless of their ability to pay."

    (This appears to be the DVD that is referenced above...

    This is pretty much how I remember it, too. I also seem to remember my grandmother having a book that was printed. It was an old book that was written either BY Hoxley, or a close associate who was championing his cause. In the book was documented proof that his 'cure' worked. It also had photos. Photos of people whose own doctors had given up on them. Who had cancer. The photos were before and after photos. Many of the before photos were gruesome. Cancerous lesions and other things. The after photos were of the same areas - healed. When these same patients went back to their own doctors who then retested them, they could find no cancers.

    It was an amazing book to look through. I wish I had that book today. I'm not sure where it went.

    Anyway. To answer your initial question. Do I think that a cure exists for cancer? Yes.

    Do I think that the American Cancer Society will offer a cure? No. They're not in business to offer cures. Only hope.


    Jim TX

    P.S. I know that there are those who will argue my points. Go ahead. I know what I know.

  • Mary
    The official view of the AMA on so called Folk Medicine comes from their own web pages:


    The following statements, recommended by the Council on Scientific Affairs, were adopted by the AMA House of Delegates as AMA policy at the 1997 AMA Annual Meeting.

    The AMA:

    1. Does not recommend the sole use of unvalidated folk remedies to treat disease without scientific evidence regarding their safety or efficacy;
    2. Encourages research to determine the safety and efficacy of folk remedies;
    3. Urges that physicians be aware that the use of folk remedies may delay patients from seeking medical attention or receiving conventional therapies with proven benefit for disease treatment and prevention;
    4. Urges that practicing physicians routinely ask patients whether they are using folk medicine or family remedies for their symptoms. Physicians can educate patients about the level of scientific information available about the therapy they are using, as well as conventional therapies that are known to be safe and efficacious; and
    5. Urges that physicians be aware of folk remedies in use and the level of scientific information available about such remedies, and should include this information when discussing conventional treatments and therapies with their patients.

    Well there's a huge surprise that the American Medical Association dismisses anything that isn't created in a lab. Even when the evidence is there that alternative medicine has and does play a part in curing diseases, they simply dismiss it, or try to supress it.

    The difference is that someone like me, who believes in Alternative medicine, has no problem in admitting that drugs have certainly helped millions of people as well. Unfortunately, it seems that those who have the utmost faith in the drug companies, are unwilling to admit that anything without an Rx label, could possibly be of any benefit. And that is a shame.

    Anyway, I gotta get some work done. I'll check back in here later.

  • brinjen

    Excellent post Jim, no argument from me!

  • babygirl75

    Mary, I'm glad your a survivor!!

    I'm a 10 month Breast Cancer Survivor. I've been through several surgeries and Chemo. The worst thing I've ever had to go through in my life!!!

    I'm sure there is a cure out there, but unless you have the $$ or you are a high government official, I doubt we will benefit. My husband has made an excellent point, How many presidents or their wife's have you heard of dying from Cancer???

  • lonelysheep

    Thank you!

    I've had to argue with someone who says, "There's no money in the cure, there's money in the treatment." Having worked for a biotech specializing in Oncology, they put an incredible amount of time and money into researching a drug that didn't get approved. Not all drugs get approved for this!!

    Are you kidding me, SOOO much money WOULD be made in the cure!

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