by Mary 105 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Paralipomenon

    I would say there's a difference between medical care practitioners and pharmaceutical companies.

    Medical Care is focused on healing and curing.

    Pharmaceutical companies are corporations.

    Corporations don't have a mother or father. No sisters or brothers. No children or Grandchildren.

    They have investors and a board. The board is responsible to the investors and the investors want it to make them money.

    I like to look back 60+ years ago. There were tons of diseases out there and many vaccines were created. As such, many terrible killers of our grandparent's generation are gone. Reduced to a booster shot we get once as a child.

    Now how much is a booster shot for a child once in their life vs. someone that contracts a disease and require daily doses to treat the symptoms.

    A corporation will never have a loved one contract a disease and it itself is immune to sickness so there's more profit in treating the symptoms than outright curing a disease.

    Over my life I have heard of many medical breakthroughs by private labs that think they have isolated a cure and they are going for human trials. Invariably they are bought out by a large corporation and fade from the scene.

    The best example I can think of is when Michael J. Fox contracted Parkinson's. He set up his own foundation, directed the research efforts and they are now stating they are in a breakthrough pattern and expect to have a CURE for it according to their published timetable.

    Coincidence? A foundation that is formed by someone that will directly benefit from a cure would never accept a buyout or payoff and it just so happens that they end up accomplishing more than a generation worth of research and pharmaceutical testing?

    I don't follow the medical scene much, but I am suspicious of the sharp decline of cures for common sicknesses. Why were our grandparent so much better at finding cures, when our generations with exponentially better research capacity lack the ability to carry on in their footsteps.

    For me, things just don't add up.

  • lonelysheep

    This thread is so insulting to clinical research and the medical field as a whole, it's disgusting! Not to mention its deceased victims.It's as if science is a f'ing joke.

  • nvrgnbk

    Isn't this debate about something else entirely.

    Is humanity capable of altruism?

    Or are all actions selfishly motivated?

    Sorry, but I think this bears repeating. Large corporations and even individuals are capable of much greed.

    But the vast majority of those in the health care field are there because they care about people and are compassionate.

  • Terry
    And so says Terry - the self proclaimed genius. God I get tired of the constant rhetoric in which he must publicly worship his ever changing God of Science.

    Science simply means "knowledge".

    Knowledge is human effort to know by testing.

    If you don't test what you think you know you fool yourself and become the fool.

    Worship is self-abasement.

    Mankind has risen above the need to be face down on the filthy ground groveling before someone or some thing with mystical (untestable) insights.

    I'll take what Science offers: a way of being sure and making progress.

    But, worship I'll leave to you.

  • Terry
    I don't lay the blame on the average doctor or nurse, but yes I do believe that many of the top research scientists know far more than what they're letting on. They're probably pressured by the big guns and the reason is common: money and power.

    You are accusing some un-named "they" of having no personal integrity, of criminal neglect, of conspiracy to injure and sadistic indifference to the suffering of their fellow man. Further, you have given them a venal motive which over-rides any morality, ethics or common sense.

    How can you justify such a view? Simply suspicion?

  • Mary
    I don't lay the blame on the average doctor or nurse, but yes I do believe that many of the top research scientists know far more than what they're letting on. They're probably pressured by the big guns and the reason is common: money and power.
    You are accusing some un-named "they" of having no personal integrity, of criminal neglect, of conspiracy to injure and sadistic indifference to the suffering of their fellow man. Further, you have given them a venal motive which over-rides any morality, ethics or common sense. How can you justify such a view? Simply suspicion?

    Uh Terry, are you serious? We see this attitude among the rich and powerful all the time. Yes, I am accusing some un-named "they" because I don't know their names and I doubt anyone on here does. I don't have a directory to every scientist and what they're working on, but I think you're intelligent enough to realize what mankind is capable of. Look at the tobacco industry. I don't know the top guys' names, but I would definitely accuse them of having "no personal integrity, of criminal neglect, of conspiracy to injure and sadistic indifference to the suffering of their fellow man". Why do they do this? Plain, old fashioned greed. Same thing goes for the war in Iraq. Bush did not go in there for anything as noble as giving these people democracy. It was done for power and money, end of story. I don't think too many here would argue with that.

    Do I have undeniable proof that they know of a cure for cancer? Of course not. If there was undeniable proof, then it wouldn't even be an issue. Unfortunately, virtually all of this research work is done behind closed doors that the public has no access to. I believe that if their only goal was to find a cure for cancer, they would be open to ALL possibilities, including alternative medicine. The very fact that they go out of their way to bash ANY alternative treatment----even those that have worked---tells me that their motives and goals are not as pure as what they'd like us to believe.

  • JeffT

    OK, I lied, I can't let this one go.

    Paralipomenon, I read your post, I think this statement sums it up quite nicely.

    I don't follow the medical scene much
  • lonelysheep
    Unfortunately, virtually all of this research work is done behind closed doors that the public has no access to.

    Information IS released to the public. Anyone can read press releases. When findings are made, they are reported.

    I believe that if their only goal was to find a cure for cancer, they would be open to ALL possibilities, including alternative medicine. The very fact that they go out of their way to bash ANY alternative treatment----even those that have worked---tells me that their motives and goals are not as pure as what they'd like us to believe.

    Alternative treatments should be handled by alternative companies. Why aren't they obtaining grant money to do their own research if they really believe their treatments work. Statements ought to be back up by actions and evidence that follows.

    When a chemical combination aka drug is thought to have a chance to fight off something so prevalent as cancer, it is researched and tested for years.

    These holistic hippies would know that if they put some action into their beliefs.

  • brinjen
  • BFD

    Mary I am glad you are here to write this topic. But I don't believe that a cure would be kept secret even if the motivation for such a secret is greed. As others have posted I too think there would be plenty of bucks and notariety made on the cure.

    I had my own cancer scare 12 years ago. The doctors had to cut out a sub-cutaneous tumor off my left temple. I thought it was a pimple but it just would not go away. When it changed color I went to a dermatologist. Turns out it was an agressive and nasty form of skin cancer. Because of the way this thing was growing under my skin they had to cut a large patch around it in order to be sure there was nothing left there to grow, then graft new skin over it to close the hole. Pretty, eh?

    Other than the horrible scar, I've been OK since, at least as far as cancer goes anyway.

    BFD of the Frankenstein class

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