Which gender has things better, and why?

by John Doe 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Hey, John Doe! I know we've locked horns in the past, but this is a very cute thread!

    Why thank you.

    About locking horns, that's ok. I know that, being a woman, you were just being emotional and temperamental and couldn't help it. ;-) (ducking)

  • nvrgnbk

    The males....cause they get to hang out with the females.....

    My take,


    I like the way you think V.

    What's that buzzing noise coming from Mariusuk.'s room?

  • tetrapod.sapien

    gay guys who become lesbians had it easiest last time i checked.


  • coolhandluke

    better things?

    vaginas. Vaginas are way better. Look, I love penetrating, but you have to admit, the idea of having an organ whose only purpose is pleasure (the clitoris) and then being able to have vaginal and clitoral orgasms sounds pretty freaking okay by me.

    kids? that is what birth control and tubal ligation is for.

    boobs? omg, need i say more?

    besides, girls feel nice to the touch, smell good, taste good. i've never really tasted a guy to know the difference, but i have tasted myself. not quite as tasty, lemme tell ya.

  • mrsjones5

    Ok I admit it....I love being a girl


  • misanthropic

    In the western world I'd have to say both have their advantages and disadvantages so I think it's pretty equal. In a lot of cases both have to work full time or choose to anyway so the financial burden is not only on the man.
    But in other places outside of the western world, where the women are considered second class citizens, are not allowed to have their own opinions and have absolutely no freedoms I would have to say that the women have it worse.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Sure, women are the only ones who get pregnant, although there is birth control, but men have to go around fitting some ill-defined image of masculinity. We can't show emotions, we can't appear weak, we can't be sensitive or we'll be accused of being "girly," we're supposed to know what to do even when we're unexperienced with the situation. If we pick up the check on a dinner date, we're being chauvinistic. If we don't pick up the check, we're not fulfilling our duties. You can just as easily insert "holding doors" for "picking up checks." And to top it off, we're cussed if we leave the damned toilet seat down!! (even though only a complete moron sits on a toilet without looking) ;-)

  • juni
    And to top it off, we're cussed if we leave the damned toilet seat down!! (even though only a complete moron sits on a toilet without looking) ;-)

    ya guys leave the damn thing UP, UP, UP, UP.

    Ah, I feel so much better after that rant......

    Seriously John Doe, if you are being serious about your inner thoughts here, I agree that men should not be suppressed from showing their emotions. Truly a lot of women are endeared to guys who DO show emotion.


  • nvrgnbk

    gay guys who become lesbians had it easiest last time i checked.


    I read this awhile ago, and I still can't get my head around it. LOL!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    nvr, I guess he meant "gay guys who are transsexuals."

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