Olof Jonson wrote in his book "Gentil Times", page 211, footnote 26:
"(Interistingly, the Danish NWT of 1985 has "for Babylon", and the new revised Swedish NWT of 2003, too, has now changed its earlier "in" to "for Babylon"!)"
I need the scans of Jer 29:10 avaiable at NWT versions quoted above.
rosa rad
Jer 29:10
by rosa 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
drew sagan
I have it at home. I'll scan it later tonight for you if somebody doesn't get it up sooner.
Sorry, I don't have this. I quickly read your post and thought you where asking for something differant (i.e. the old footnote NWT that has 'seventy years of Babylonian supremacy' at the top of the page) -
Doug Mason
I hope to get you the copies of these pages, but you will need patience, since it could take me 2 or 3 weeks.
Doug -
Lady Liberty
Dear Rosa,
I am not sure if this will help you at all, but here is a copy and pasted portion of what you are looking for Jere. 29:10 NWT from the 2003 CD ROM I hope it helps you.
Lady Liberty
"For this is what Jehovah has said, ‘In accord with the fulfilling of seventy years at Babylon I shall turn my attention to YOU people, and I will establish toward YOU my good word in bringing YOU back to this place.’ -
Doug Mason
It is an issue of minor semantics.
The WTS says that the captives had to be "at" Babylon for 70 years, whereas the renderings Carl has located (correctly) say "for" Babylon, meaning the 70 years could be fulfilled "for" Babylon while the people remained in their own homes in Judah.
That is what I understand Rosa is looking for.
Doug -
The exegesis and translation of this verse have been thoroughly discussed on this (lengthy) thread:
I think the Danish NWT of this text has been posted once, but I don't remember where and I don't think scans were posted.
Perhaps you could modify the thread title and include the words "Swedish" and "Danish," so that Scandinavian posters might notice...
valkyrie (Swedish)
10 ”Ty detta är vad Jehova har sagt: ’När sjuttio år har gått för Babylon skall jag vända min uppmärksamhet till er, och jag skall gentemot er befästa mitt goda ord genom att föra er tillbaka till denna plats.’
Thank you Valkyrie,
I guess the official WT site is well worth a scan (to Rosa).
I really wonder whether this is a local initiative (maybe due to the influence of C.O. Jonsson) or a discrete decision by the US headquarters -- in which case this should appear sooner or later in new editions of the English NWT, and our old friend scholar who put all his ignorance in defence of the old NWT will have to "eat his hat," as we say in French...
Doug Mason
You asked for scans of Jer 29:10 from the 2003 Swedish NWT and from the Dutch NWT.
I have provided a scan of the page from Swedish NWT at:
Please note that the file has two pages -- the Title page and the page with Jer 29:10.
I give you my word that this is the page referred to by COJ.
I will provide a scan of the page from the Dutch NWT when I receive it.
I hope this helps you.
may thanks for the replies.
I already copied the image and NWT swedish link.
my friend opened a Brazilian discussion regarding Jeremy 70 years and this scan was usefull