Although I was a regular pioneer off and on for years...maybe 8 years total out of 20+ years baptized....I hated it... HATED IT ....HATED IT (get the picture?)
I too did the pioneer shuffle. At the end of my first tour of duty as a reg pio, I was accused of turning in phantom time and was removed as MS/pio (judicially) for lying about it. Ironically, at the time of the accusation, ALL of my time was legit and I was anal about keeping good records (NH, RV's BS....field reports...everything)..some months over 100 hours...even 150 one month when I was behind and did not want to be out all summer trying to make it up.
It was only much much later that I started making up sh*t on my records. Going out with the group and then after an hour peeling off to take care of calls (at the coffee shop in another territory, go home to sleep, library, etc)...starting at 7 am and doing the laundromat/parking lot/gas station shuffle until 9...easy 2 hours...considered legit, but really truly nonproductive.
With gas prices now, I dont know how anyone pioneers????!!! one more....ALL of my time is PhantomTime now....
SnakesInTheTower (of the "dont give a crap anymore, just living life" Sheep Class)