AWWWWW so sweet, so innocent. Beautiful pic!!!
Just want to show you what we saw...
by Merry Magdalene 29 Replies latest jw friends
Very beautiful Merry. Mrs. Flipper and I do a lot of hiking in the mountains, it's not often you can get that close to a deer. You were lucky to get that innocent baby sleeping. Nice picture, we should all be so lucky
Beautiful and rare sight, glad you caught it on film!
What a beautiful sight to come upon!!! Thanx for sharing it with us, Merry. I love deer, especially the fawns....they are so precious!! I sure hope it was reunited with it's mama....
sweet and beautiful!
What a great photo. Thanks for sharing.
A few weeks ago on the news, there is a local lady that has run "fawn rescue" for many years. She said that if you see a fawn, you should leave it because the mother is nearby. If you are worried, watch from a distance to see if the mother returns. If the mother does not, then a rescue organization should be called.
Awww....beautiful.....Bambi. Brings back memories of watching the movie when I was little. Still makes me cry today. you have to go find "Flower."
My daughter would have wanted to make a pet of that fawn! Great picture- Thanks for sharing it with us.
38 Years
So sweet and beautiful. Thank you for sharing
Merry Magdalene
I enjoyed all your remarks just now!
It was hard to resist (!!!), but we didn't touch it and didnt want to interfere with its mom coming back, but did keep checking until we felt sure everything was ok. My daughter was rather hoping she could keep it if its mother didnt come back, but was still happy in the end.
We did hear a larger deer crashing through the trees, brush, and driftwood a little ways away and that gave me hope it was the mother nearby.
Even though I've seen a lot of adult deer and a few older fawns, I was thrilled speechless at this special moment with my daughter! Treasured forever and so glad we had the digital camera with us!
Here is the only other pic have of it (my daughter in the foreground)--